Winning Your Trust – Pulkit Prakash: Making Niti Bodh Difference with Legal Expertise and Innovation

Pulkit Prakash

Top lawyers combine a stellar academic record with deep expertise in a sought-after legal field. Beyond the knowledge base, they possess a unique blend of skills and traits, including a sharp legal mind with exceptional knowledge of the law, coupled with strong research abilities, problem-solving prowess with the ability to analyze complex situations and find creative solutions, communication mastery with excellent written and oral communication skills, allowing them to present arguments clearly and persuasively, legal confidence with a strong and persuasive presence that commands respect in the courtroom, relationship building ability to establish trust and rapport with clients and colleagues, moral compass of high ethical standards and unwavering integrity are paramount. Further, they must be strategic thinkers with a talent for crafting winning strategies and negotiating effectively, resilient under pressure, and able to manage high-stress situations and meet deadlines consistently.

Meet Pulkit Prakash, a distinguished Advocate on Record at the Supreme Court of India and the Founding Partner of Niti Bodh, representing the epitome of legal excellence in India’s legal landscape.

With over a decade of experience, Pulkit specializes in Arbitration, Corporate and Commercial Law, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), International Cyber Law, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Labour and Industrial Law, Medical Law, and Anti Money Laundering Laws, showcasing unparalleled expertise and proficiency in legal practice and advisory services.

Multifaceted Legal Expertise: A Foundation for Success

With over a decade of experience, Pulkit’s professional journey is marked by a robust foundation in various legal domains, including Arbitration, Corporate and Commercial Law, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), International Cyber Law, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Labour and Industrial Law, Medical Law, and Anti Money Laundering Laws. Pulkit’s versatile skill set enables him to navigate complex legal issues adeptly, provide strategic counsel to clients on contractual and regulatory matters, and meticulously draft and interpret legal documents precisely.

Pulkit’s commitment to continuous learning and professional development is evident through his in his in-depth knowledge of legal practices, strong judgment, meticulous attention to detail, advanced research skills, and extensive portfolio of additional diplomas and certificates. His pursuit of knowledge spans a diverse range of fields, reflecting a holistic approach to career growth and expertise enhancement.

Pulkit’s academic credentials include

  • Degree in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (B.A.L.L.B), from Chanakya National Law University, Patna.
  • Certificate course on Medicine Laws from Institute of Medicine and Law, Mumbai.
  • Advance course on Trademark, Industrial Design and Geographical Indications from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Summer Certificate Course – Agenda for Survival: learning the policies, practices and politics of environment management in India from Anil Agarwal Green College an Institute of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi (he also Received the Kamla Chowdhry Fellowship to attend this course which carries a compensation of ₹7,000/-). Being awarded the Kamla Chowdhry Fellowship to attend this course highlights Pulkit’s exemplary dedication to environmental conservation and policy advocacy.
  • Diploma in Cyber laws with special paper on International Cyber Crime Law from Asian School of Cyber Laws, Pune.
  • Advanced program in International Cyber Laws from Asian School of Cyber Laws, Pune.
  • Program in Information Technology Law from Data64 Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd, Pune.
  • International Year of Forest (IYF) 2011 Certification program from Indian Astrobiology Research Centre, Mumbai.
  • Certificate course on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) from People Canvas, Panchkula, Haryana.

Pulkit also worked as an Intern during his university days at LIFE (Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment) under the Founders, Mr Ritwick Dutta and Mr Rahul Choudhary. Since then, his biggest concern had been for the multiple violation of environmental ecosystem. Whenever he gets an opportunity, Pulkit participates in environmental protection campaigns and awareness drives.

Overall, Pulkit’s diverse array of diplomas and certificates reflects his unwavering dedication to professional growth, expertise enhancement, and making a positive impact across various domains, from healthcare and intellectual property to environmental sustainability and cyber laws.

Inculcating Genius: Benchmarking Excellence

Pulkit’s pledge to staying abreast of pertinent legal and societal issues is evident through his diverse array of training initiatives which he has received on following subjects –

  • Certificate of Training in Anti-trafficking & Bonded Labour from Justice Ventures International (JVI) in partnership with Geneva Global, India Nepal Human Liberty Initiative (INHLI) and CNLU, Patna.
  • Certificate of Participation in 05 Day Summer School on CPC, CrPC & IPR 2016 from Delhi High Court Bar Association, Adyopant Legal & Atmabodh.
  • Certificate of Participation in the Conference on Anti Money Laundering organized by Achromic Point Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
  • Certificate of Participation in Seminar on Anti Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace by Labour Laws Institute.
  • Certificate of Participation in Summer School on Domestic Arbitration Law from Adyopant Legal, Maadhyam Council for Conflict Resolution & Atmabodh.

Pulkit’s training initiatives reflect his commitment to professional development, social justice, and legal excellence. By actively engaging in diverse training programs, he continues to broaden his knowledge base, enhance his skills, and make meaningful contributions to the legal profession and society at large.

Constitution as Compass: A Bihar Boy Charts His Legal Course

Reflecting on his journey and motivation to enter the legal field, Pulkit says science wasn’t his passion, but aeronautical and genetic engineering held a certain allure. However, his high school experience with science subjects left him feeling discouraged. This disconnect between his interests and academic struggles wasn’t helping him move forward.

Adding to this internal conflict was the prejudice I faced whenever I left my home state of Bihar. Instructions to hide my identity stuck with me, but curiosity got the better of me on one trip. Revealing my origin led to a traumatic experience of bullying and suspicion. This incident sparked a quest to understand the differences and similarities between myself and others,” says Pulkit.

During this time, Pulkit’s father introduced him to the Indian Constitution. His journey into law began with a well-worn copy of D. D. Basu’s book (red cover back then, for around ₹144/-). This newfound interest propelled him to take the CLAT exam, the first national entrance test for law schools, and he secured a place at Chanakya National Law University, part of the inaugural batch selected through CLAT (Common Law Admission Test).

Great Acts of Professional Ethos

During his university years, he engaged in various activities, including

  • As an intern, Pulkit contributed to projects focused on improving the health status of urban poor at the Centre for Health and Resource Management (CHARM), during Nov-Dec 2008),
  • he assisted Professor Dr. Jean Dreze (Member of National Advisory Council,) on the subject matters of MNREGA, during Dec 2008-Jan 2009
  • He worked as an intern under the supervision of Mr. Vinod Kumar Sinha, Principal Judge, Family Court, Patna, and understood the basic nuances of Family Laws and Court proceedings related to family matters during Dec 2009-Jan 2010,
  • As an intern he worked with Mr. Ritwick Dutta who is the Founding Partner of LIFE (Legal Initiative for Forest & Environment), a law firm which dedicatedly practice on Environmental matters. He was with him from December 2010 to January 2011. While working as an intern he assisted Mr. Dutta in preparing reports for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Environmental Courts and Tribunals in Asia during. It was this period only when National Green Tribunal (NGT) came into its effect and even the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India used to have a dedicated time to hear matters related to Environment in the second half of every Friday which was famously known as ‘Forest Bench’. He happened to assist Mr. Dutta in all such matters which were listed either before the NGT or before the Forest Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
  • Additionally, Pulkit received the Bachpan Banao Fellowship for mentorship activities under which he was supposed to mentor students who were pursuing their education under the Government scheme of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan – RTE (Right to Education) which provided compulsory education for class 01 to class 08. He was posted in a school which was located at village Kasoli, Dantewada, Chhattisgarh for December 2012 to January 2013.

In academia, he presented research papers on topics such as Acquaintance Rape, Date Rape, and International Commercial Arbitration, receiving awards and recognition for his contributions. He also contributed to publications such as the magazine “Agenda for Survival” and served as Editor and Publishing Member for the e-magazine “Wake Up Call.”

Prior to entering litigation, Pulkit worked as an in-house legal counsel with Trident Group, and was posted in Bhopal, MP, handling matters related to the states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Rajasthan.

Pulkit represented India as a ‘Delegate’ in the Third BRICS Legal September 2016. He was recognized as an MCN Accredited Member and a Representative Neutral for mediation and arbitration services in Delhi, India during March 2018 to March 2019.

Currently, Pulkit holds Associate Membership with the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Malaysia.

Gaining Proficient Experience

Pulkit began his legal career in August 2013 as in-house counsel for Trident Limited, handling land disputes, labor and environmental matters for a year and a half. He was also part of a core team for merger and acquisition. In January 2015, he transitioned to practicing law before the Supreme Court, Delhi High Court, and tribunals. By December 2015, Pulkit established his own law firm, Niti Bodh, with offices across India. He was qualified as an Advocate-On-Record for the Supreme Court in April 2023.

Meritocracy at its Core 

Niti Bodh is proud to be recognized as one of India’s leading law firms, says Pulkit. He adds, “Our core philosophy revolves around creating a meritocratic environment that fosters excellence.”

During his legal education, Pulkit witnessed the challenges faced by talented individuals struggling to find opportunities based solely on merit. This experience fueled his commitment to create a different model at Niti Bodh.

He says they achieve this through two key principles:

Open and transparent selection process: Their associates are selected through a common entrance exam, ensuring everyone has a fair chance to showcase their abilities regardless of background.

Empowering associates: “We believe in entrusting ownership of assignments to our associates. This fosters confidence, responsibility, and ultimately, superior results,” says Pulkit. These principles have allowed Niti Bodh to attract and develop exceptional legal talent, leading to the team’s continued success.

Building a Legal Powerhouse: Niti Bodh’s Commitment to Excellence

The legal landscape is constantly in flux. At Niti Bodh, Pulkit says they prioritize staying adaptable and innovative to provide cutting-edge solutions for their clients.

Our approach is three-pronged:”

Agility and Continuous Learning: “We foster a culture that embraces change and prioritizes ongoing professional development to ensure our team possesses the latest knowledge and skills.”

Client-Centric Innovation: “We actively seek client feedback to understand their evolving needs and translate them into innovative solutions that exceed expectations.”

Strategic Collaboration: “We maintain partnerships with industry experts and thought leaders to gain insights into emerging trends and best practices.”

This commitment to staying ahead of the curve allows Pulkit and his team to deliver exceptional value to their clients.

The Communicator, the Mentor, the Innovator: Pulkit’s Multifaceted Leadership

As a dynamic legal professional, Pulkit possesses exceptional communication skills and is renowned for his collaborative approach and leadership prowess. He has a proven track record of representing clients in appellate court cases and proceedings, providing effective legal solutions, and fostering positive relationships with stakeholders.

Pulkit’s leadership style emphasizes service, guidance, and inspiration. Transparency, empowerment, and integrity are core values. He strives to create a supportive and motivating environment with a shared vision and mutual respect.

Furthermore, Pulkit’s leadership capabilities extend beyond legal practice. He excels in team management, training, and motivation, driving maximum productivity and success. Associates are entrusted with ownership of their files and courtroom representation, fostering individual growth and professional confidence.

Pulkit believes that diversity and collaboration are crucial to building a collaborative team. “We prioritize building a team with unique skills and perspectives to drive innovation.” His ability to integrate innovative thinking and problem-solving analysis into legal processes and methodologies sets him apart as a cohesive leader and a driving force behind Niti Bodh’s success in the legal realm.

Beyond the Case: Guiding Clients Through the Legal Journey

According to Pulkit, striking a balance between legal realities and client expectations is crucial. “While courts have their procedures and backlogs, we at Niti Bodh employ a multi-step approach:”

Realistic Case Assessment: Pulkit adds that they thoroughly analyze the case’s merits, required steps, and potential timelines within the court system’s limitations.

Transparent Communication: They provide clients with a clear understanding of the case’s potential trajectory, including likely outcomes, timelines, and possible challenges.

Client Management: This upfront communication helps manage client expectations while setting realistic parameters for success.

By combining experience-based estimates with transparency, we empower clients to make informed decisions about their legal journey,” states Pulkit.

Green Practices, Green Advocacy: Niti Bodh’s Sustainable Legal Strategy

Under Pulkit’s holistic leadership, Niti Bodh is committed to social responsibility and ethical leadership, which includes integrating sustainability into its legal and administrative practices.

Pulkit says their approach is twofold:

Sustainable Operations: They actively promote eco-friendly practices within the firm, minimizing paper usage and adopting energy-efficient technologies.

Sustainable Legal Advocacy: They prioritize cases that advance environmental justice and sustainable development, says Pulkit. “We advise clients on environmental regulations and best practices, promoting a more environmentally conscious legal landscape.”

Furthermore, Pulkit says they invest in continuous education on environmental issues and actively participate in pro bono work and community initiatives focused on environmental conservation. “This comprehensive approach allows us to fulfil our ethical obligations while contributing to a more sustainable future for the legal profession and society.”

Quality Over Quantity: Pulkit’s Approach to Achieving Legal Excellence

When asked to highlight a transformative project, Pulkit says, “It’s time for another story. During my tenure as a junior counsel in my senior’s office, he consistently emphasized a valuable principleinstead of handling ten files in a single day, focus on one file over ten days.”

Dedicating ample time and thought to each file ensures that justice is truly served. This approach not only garners recognition but also accelerates career progression significantly. This strategy proved to be immensely beneficial for Pulkit. He says, “Following the ‘one file at a time’ policy, we systematically addressed numerous cases, leading us to our current position.” This method also facilitated comprehensive exposure and expertise across various legal domains, shaping Pulkit and his team into a comprehensive law firm capable of handling diverse legal matters. While he cannot divulge specific transformative projects due to client-attorney confidentiality, Pulkit says their commitment to this approach has yielded numerous successful outcomes.

Beyond Paper and Precedent: Niti Bodh’s Modern Legal Toolkit

In the realm of legal systems, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency. In his firm, says Pulkit, they harness cutting-edge technology to optimize services and remain ahead in the digital era. “We utilize Management Information Systems and cloud-based platforms for streamlined workflows and enhanced client communication.”

Artificial intelligence aids in legal research and data analysis, while digital document management systems and e-discovery tools optimize evidence handling. “Our digital legal library includes platforms like SCC Online and Manupatra, offering comprehensive resources akin to traditional law journals.” Additionally, they offer virtual consultations and electronic signatures for client convenience and accessibility. This tech-driven approach ensures efficiency, client satisfaction, and innovation in today’s digital landscape.

Furthermore, they have adopted all sorts of digital technology required to perform better in their profession and to communicate with their peers, colleagues and even clients in real-time. Pulkit adds, “We understand that the advancement of technology in the legal profession is at its basic level only. In the coming years, it will govern almost every possible aspect of the profession. Some of the assignments that today require manual assistance may be replaced completely by technology, and we are open and ready. We are continuously learning these developments and trying to adopt them ASAP to remain ahead of our time.”

Justice for the Vulnerable: Niti Bodh’s Fight for a Missing Child

Reflecting on challenges they encountered, Pulkit says that every legal career encounters obstacles. One such instance involved a complex child abduction case.

Despite facing several obstacles, including uncooperative individuals, we collaborated with law enforcement to uncover leads. Standard interrogation methods were unavailable.”

Eventually, we identified a juvenile suspect, aged between 14 and 15 years, who was implicated in the case.”

Locating the missing child proved difficult, and apprehending the suspect, the juvenile presented unique legal hurdles. Due to the suspect’s status as a minor, traditional interrogation methods were not applicable, and legal proceedings presented unique challenges. Undeterred, Pulkit and his team explored alternative investigative approaches, ultimately deciding to pursue Narco-Analysis—a technique only available in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. However, the lengthy waiting period for appointments posed a significant barrier to timely justice.

To expedite the investigation and reunite the child with their family, Pulkit and his team advocated establishing a second Narco-Analysis testing centre in Delhi, significantly reducing wait times. “This innovative approach, achieved through a successful court order, exemplifies our commitment to overcoming challenges and achieving positive outcomes for our clients.”

Empowering Women, Empowering Justice: Niti Bodh’s Stand for Gender Equality

According to Pulkit, gender equality is a pressing issue in the legal sector, and the potential passage of the Women’s Reservation Bill could lead to seismic shifts. “Our firm actively promotes gender diversity and inclusivity by providing equal opportunities for career advancement, supporting initiatives to increase women’s representation in the legal profession, and advocating for policies that support work-life balance. Additionally, we engage in pro bono work, mainly in crimes related to women and maternity benefits, and address gender-based issues, contributing to positive change within the legal sector and society,” says Pulkit.

Law School Launchpad: Pulkit’s Tips for Aspiring Legal Eagles

Many young aspirants wish to enter the legal industry. A few things which Pulkit advises those who are still in the university on a summary basis –

  • Your university grades do not define your competency. So, if you have excelled in your university exam, be humble, and if you haven’t, don’t be depressed or feel low.
  • Be very attentive during your internships and ask as many assignments as possible. The more you learn, the better you will perform in the real world.
  • Participate in extempos and extra-curricular activities as that helps build your confidence and improve your persona.
  • Enter into the profession by choice and not by chance. The first thing you can do after graduation is to practice in a court of law. It shouldn’t be your last option.
  • Be clear about the basics of law; the more you know it, the better you will perform in the real world. The better your performance, the bigger your name and growth.

Scaling Up Success: Niti Bodh’s Vision for the Future

Looking to the future, Pulkit says they have a vision to create a team of 100 people by the end of this decade, besides expanding their presence over and above to the places where they are in operation. He informs, “We are already working in collaboration with international institutions like Yingke Law Firm and Chax Law Firm at the international diaspora, and we are in talks with other institutions to expand our international collaboration further.”

Pulkit also says they aspire to take Niti Bodh to the international diaspora sometime down the line, making it an international rather than a national institution. “The more we grow, the more we will be able to contribute from our side.” They also wish to ensure that their growth remains calculative and steady. And they won’t ever compromise on their quality and deliverables.

Building a Global Legal Powerhouse

In recent times, we have had the opportunity to represent the file as an expert in Indian law in international jurisdiction, and in the near future, there will be multiple other occasions where we will have similar opportunities.”

This, in addition to our institutional plan, helps us individually to introduce our legal system to the international diaspora vis-à-vis to learn something from them and to bring back to India, making our legal system more robust and stronger in comparison to other nations,” concludes Pulkit Prakash, emerging as a trailblazer in India’s legal fraternity, combining extensive experience, expertise across diverse legal domains, and a commitment to excellence in legal practice and leadership.

As a Founding Partner of Niti Bodh, Pulkit continues redefining legal service delivery standards, significantly impacting the legal landscape in India and beyond.

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