Life lessons learn from lord shiva

The Importance of Meditation & Inner Peace:

Lord Shiva is often depicted meditating on Mount Kailash, symbolizing the significance of meditation in achieving inner peace, self-realization, & understanding the universe.

Source: unsplash

Transformation and Change:

Shiva is known as the destroyer, but this aspect is not about destruction in a negative sense. 

Source: unsplash

The Power of Simplicity:

Despite being a powerful deity, Shiva is often depicted living a simple life on Mount Kailash, wearing animal skins and ash. 

Source: unsplash

Balance and Temperance:

Shiva is also known as Ardhanarishvara, a composite androgynous form of Shiva and his consort Parvati.

Source: unsplash

The Value of Detachment:

Shiva's lifestyle and teachings emphasize the importance of detachment from the material world.

Source: unsplash

Respect for All Forms of Life:

Shiva's association with animals, such as Nandi the bull, snakes around his neck, and the Ganges River flowing from his hair, highlights a deep respect for all forms of life and the environment. 

Source: unsplash

The Power of Persistence:

The story of Shiva's deep meditation and the perseverance of Parvati in winning his affection teaches the power of persistence.

Source: unsplash

Acceptance and Inclusivity:

Shiva is known to be easily pleased and blesses all who seek his guidance and help, irrespective of their background. 

Source: unsplash