Great leadership requires an understanding of oneself before you can effectively comprehend, appreciate and leverage the unique skill-sets and competencies of others. Annareddy Venkata Siva Reddy, as a leader incorporates responsibilities of Founder and Managing Director at GND Solutions. Siva fine-tunes every role he handles with great attentiveness, be it to provide Thought Leadership, Business Strategy and Deal Origination, etc. His area of responsibilities is diversified to each sphere including devising diversification Strategy/Product and Service Expansion Strategy/Growth and International Market Strategy/Technology strategy, Team Building, Leadership, Mentoring and Business Development.
Under Siva’s supervision, GND Solutions got enough potential to be recognized as Top 20 Growing IOT Companies in India. With his technology leadership, the company enabled their client in achieving CES 2017 award for smart home segment by delivering world-class Smart home hub with AI.
Services Offered By GND
GND Solutions offers end-to-end solution for IoT & M2M segment for global market. Some of its products are addressing market needs for various applications like Cold Chain Management, Location Tracking, Asset Monitoring and tracking, Agriculture, Security and Alert systems. GND Solutions offers products on various technologies based on need like BLE, LoRaWAN, NBIoT, CAT-M1, and other IOT Networks with GND’s IOT cloud platform etc.
GND Solutions’s design & development service offerings include: Proficient in transforming concepts to solutions ranging from miniature to complex system designs. Their proven design practices ensure superior quality and on-time delivery first-time and every-time. Embedded H/W Design Services, Firmware Design Services, IC Packaging & Sip Design Services, Mobile Apps & Custom Rom, Desktop Applications & Tools, Front End Framework & Dash Boards, Backend With Mean Stack & Cloud, Testing & Certifications are also various offerings of GND Solutions.
Important Checks that Helped Company to be Successful
The key here is Alignment. Siva says he work with employees at all levels to be aligned on their companies’ larger goals, and those goals are broken down to a smaller scale to ensuring that they remain engaged in day-to-day operations.
Few important points that have helped in successful alignment of company goals are:
Consistent Feedback: Consistent feedback helping keep employees to focus on their performance. Feedback acts as a reminder. Without it, employees get too caught up in their daily tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture.
Allocation of Tasks properly: Ensuring their employees aware of their role in each of their projects. Few tips that are following are using visuals to explain the company’s overall strategy and how each role advances toward its goals, assigning the right tasks to the right people etc.
Everyone getting recognized: Engagement is essential to keep a company growing and reaching for its vision. Siva follows a simple expression of gratitude, such as a thankyou note or gift, and showing employees that management is paying attention and notices that they are consistently working hard and succeeding at their individual goals.
Qualities, a Leader Should Have
As advances in technology and addressing the clients’ challenges inspire Siva to steer ahead, with this zeal, he takes the GND forward with hard/smart work which has made them to attain success. He, being an enthusiast tries to impart all the qualities which make a strong team: motivation, mentoring and empowering all the colleagues which derive him as the successful leader.
Differentiating Elements of GND
GND Solutions focused for global market needs having very versatile development center in proving concepts across technologies for industrial/ consumer space and addressing global products with very quick time to market. The way Siva drive his core team is with help of his strong industry expertise to develop products and services offerings which would have strong differentiators in the market place.
Technology is Centre of Attention Today
First and foremost, right and updated technology is important for an organization to provide best and cost effective solutions to solve industrial, consumer or any other market segments across globe.
In addition, technology affects a firm’s ability to communicate with customers. In today’s busy business environment, it is necessary for employees to interact with clients quickly and clearly. Technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will help them make money and produce the results customers demand. For Siva, the latest technology trends are fascinating.
Guidance for Younger Ones when Starting a Venture
What makes an organization extraordinary, is having clear goals in professional and personal life, work towards your goals with dedication. Some of the checklist which one leader and its company needs most importantly right at all time and every time is Attitude, Behavior, Commitment, Dedication, and Transparency.
Future Plans of GND Solutions
The company, GND dreams is to be a world class organization with global presence.
Source :-The 30 Most Admired Tech Leaders to Watch in 2018
Siva Reddy AV: Got a Zeal to Make the Best of IoT for the Clients