Shaiphali Saxena: An Angel’s Musical Sounds of Success

Shaiphali Saxena
Shaiphali Saxsena

For some people, the sound of music is the sound of life. For others, music is their passion. However, for a 28-year-old Shaiphali Saxena and 24-year-old Hritisha Rewadia, both belonging to the pink city of India, Jaipur, sounds of music are the sounds of life, passion, bonding, compassion, and present and future professional success.

And with their innovations in the professional music industry, these two Angels of Music Academy are reinventing the present for and reshaping the future for coming generations of musicians.

In an interview with insights success for its edition of ‘India’s 40 under 40 Brightest Business Leaders,’ Shaiphali, the Founder, Director, and Sound Engineer, is sharing her fascinating story of bringing a western opera styled musical revolution to Indian future musicians with her love for music and teaching through her Angels Music Academy.

Listen to her melodic tunes in the following discussion.

Shaiphali, please share with our readers the inception saga of your reputed academy.

I couldn’t clear my 11th grade due to some health complications. It led me to pursue a career in music. I started by learning guitar and other musical instruments. I aimed to be an independent woman and never wanted to give up.

My parents were very supportive. They sent me to KM College of Music and Technology with all their savings. There I completed three years of Audio Engineering and Opera Singing certification.  Soon, I received a scholarship at Berkeley College of Music, Boston, and pursued a one-year Diploma in Audio Engineering Certification there. I secured a job in Bangalore as a Sound Engineer. When I came back to Jaipur, my brother came up with an idea and suggested to me to teach music in Jaipur as I always wanted to be an entrepreneur.  He motivated me to follow my passion. Since I was also inclined toward the business aspect and dreamt of being an entrepreneur, I thought this was the right moment.

I was nervous to ask my parents for the funds as they had already given away all their savings for my education. That is when my brother and I collected all the scrap material from home and sold it for Rs.700, which I used to print banners for my music institute, which was a small store room back then. Soon, I received a call from a medical student who wanted to pursue music, which led to the official beginning of my music institute, Angels Music Academy, in 2013.

What were the initial challenges after venturing into the music industry, and what are the challenges now?

Initially, I was very naïve. I began trusting wrong things too soon while omitting crucial paperwork in the process. Also, my other limitations of becoming unresponsive to others came to haunt me. And I quickly took the decision to close the academy, which now I feel was a big mistake.

Luckily, soon, I met Hritisha Rewadia in 2017, when she had come to pursue vocal music at Angels Music Academy. She was into classical singing, but I introduced her to Western music, Opera, and many such genres of music. Soon she realized her potential in singing Opera. Before this, she was pursuing classical singing classes at an institute in Jaipur. She contacted me for the classes, and when she came here for admission, I heard her singing and was impressed by it. We both got along so well in learning and teaching that we soon became business partners.

We teach music and instruments together, along with advanced music engineering and production. We have been focusing on training students to pursue a career in music and also teaching them to set up their music businesses. It has been an exciting journey. I believe in living independently, and whatever I have built till now is all from my savings.

Today, the biggest challenge for the institute is to guide the budding performers and young musicians to progress in the right direction and make better choices in the technique or profession they may choose.

The aspiring performers and struggling music craftsmen dream of building a career in the field of music; we aspire to become the best stage for them. Our biggest test is to transform the enthusiasm of budding musicians into alluring professionals.

What are your USPs that make Angels Music Academy stand out as a leading institute?

I learned music from the very famous Trinity College, London and then enrolled on Western Vocals and Sound Designing from A.R. Rahman’s Foundation, KMMC. I happen to be the first Apple sound engineer (female) from India, which is undoubtedly a remarkable triumph.

Today, as a leading music academy in the city of Jaipur, we render state-of-the-art learning facilities by escalating preparation for music courses that are in demand and progressive.

Our top-class teaching staff stimulates us, and we take pride in teaching sound and music and letting the students find their talents and zeal for learning.

We motivate and help thousands of students who drop the idea of building a career in the music industry because they are too afraid of social norms. Things are changing now, and we feel it is best to introduce people to better career options. We want to recreate the definition of the music and sound sector in people’s minds.

Along with these, our other USPs are,

  • Angels music academy ranked in the top five music colleges in India.
  • We are Rajasthan’s first Dolby Atmos training centre and India’s first music incubation centre.
  • We provide bachelor courses like BSc in Sound Engineering, BA in Music Production, BA in Music Performance and Opera
  • Our students and staff refer us to their family members, acquaintances, and friends.
  • We have our online website and social media pages enhance our web presence.

What would be your advice to the aspirants willing to venture into the field of Music?

I firmly believe that we should all work for something we actually believe in! Just like I thought that music could become a great career option for millions of people, if you are interested in any field, give it a try. Don’t think that is impossible because it will only become feasible when you start trying for it! So, follow your dreams.

My other advice to all the youngsters is never to make backup plans. The music industry has immense scope, and one should keep an open mind. One only needs the zeal to move ahead in this career. Moreover, my suggestion to all aspiring musicians is to invest their earnings properly and have a monetary plan.

What are your achievements, and how do you envision your and Angels Music Academy’s future?

Angels Music Academy has won several awards. Some of them are,

  • India’s Finest Top Ranked Western College in 2021,
  • Award for Excellent Contribution in Music Education in 2020,
  • Excellent Teaching in Sound Engineering Award in 2019, and
  • Best Music Academy Award in 2018.

Today, our music academy is in the top five in the country. I, along with Hrishita, am known for Opera in India. We have a branch in California, USA. Furthermore, we are transforming our music academy into a full-fledged Music University.

Also, we have already achieved great prominence in Jaipur, and we plan to cover other major cities this year. The success of our brand in the Pink City has motivated us to move ahead in other parts of the country.

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