Shailja Abhishek Singh – Your Virtual Friend in Creativity

Shailja Abhishek Singh | Founder Red Palette Studio | Self-Employed
Shailja Abhishek Singh | Founder Red Palette Studio | Self-Employed

Do you love art and creativity? Or appreciate the creative souls of those who can. Or love creating an environment of inspiration in your home and enjoying every minute of it. But may or may not have a large space for a studio, does not matter. Anything can be a creative space.

Then welcome to the Red Palette Studios. The Founder & CEO, Shailja Abhishek Singh, wants you to consider it as your virtual place of creativity. Here she will share with you all, what she has learned through the years as a beginner and a professional artist and if you like, you can share your tips as well.

Red Palette Studio will provide you with many artist hacks and techniques to save you time and money, for studio painters as well as Plein air painters.

Insights Success’ team met her for our edition of ‘The Women Owning the Business Arena’, and in the interview, she showed us the possibilities where anyone can hop on their creative journey at her virtual studio platform, where she will be their virtual friend in creativity.

Here are the highlights of that interview to make you feel at ease and unintimidated.

What was your inspiration behind venturing into the creative industry?

At a very young age, I was inspired by my youngest maternal aunt, who was a very talented artist and painter back then. I used to try drawing like her. My parents too had a flair for drawing so after watching me put effort to draw and paint my mom took me to an art hobby school. Where I learnt the basics of drawing. After that, it was a self-learning journey before I again went to a hobby school and learnt the basics of oil painting.

After quitting my corporate job in 2018, I started my venture of Manpower but right after lockdown, it didn’t pick up.

This is when my very close friend started drawing and inspired me also to do the same and join the social media platform for this. Ever since then there is no looking back.

Please describe Red Palette Studio in detail.

Red Palette Studio is not just a name but something that clearly tells about me as my work.

Red is my favourite colour and represents my passion for my work. Palette is a tool that can be used for both art and craftwork to paint and help create. Studio – a place where new and creative things are made with lots of love and emotions.

Red Palette Studio is a place where you get variety, we don’t stop at one thing but try to offer a lot of variety for the customer ranging from paintings to home utility goods and gifting ideas for all kinds of occasions.

We also try to make other women learn and earn for themselves and make a niche in society by offering workshop facilities as well.

Give us a brief overview of your professional journey.

The official journey started in 2019 when I was introduced to many new arts, crafts, and traditional art forms. I learnt many new art forms and about new products daily. I started learning and experimenting with art forms and craft products more and started gifting the initial products free to my well-known people – who later helped me grow.

This is when I started working in a more professional and pocket-friendly way using scrap to develop something new and unique for my customers.

What were the initial challenges you faced while venturing into this space?

Starting after so many years was tough in many ways. I had to unlearn and learn a lot about a lot of art forms – which I never heard of before, and new products – which I had never used.

The biggest challenge was to understand which product people will like – it is an everyday challenge – and how to sell it all through social media.

The new applications like Instagram helped me learn a lot through its society and methods to sell the products.

Some of my Instagram friends also helped me a lot in teaching and guiding me through the journey.

What are the USPs that highlight Red Palette Studio’s uniqueness?

People prefer and love the fusion work that I do, wherein I mix different painting styles and try to create something new using crafting tools to give them an extra edge.

Customers have also admired me using scrap products to convert into something beautiful and being eco-friendly in many ways.

What professional values and qualities do you think your clients value in you and Red Palette Studio the most?

Timely delivery and pocket-friendly products are a go. Anything that will not burden my customer and yet get the product of their dream with a touch of their emotions is of much value for us and the customers as well.

As an experienced professional, what would you like to advise the budding aspirants?

My message for budding aspirants is that they must always

  • Keep Learning – learn every day, learn from everywhere and everybody, you learn new things from the most unexpected sources.
  • Take Challenges – take every day small challenges for yourself, a little positive pressure helps you think and grow beyond your imagination.
  • Ask Questions – never fail to ask questions from people who inspire you, asking questions helps you acknowledge your presence in society and make a place among them as well as learn and learn.
  • Register yourself for Workshops – workshops help you learn new tools and techniques in the respective field, you learn a lot from these groups and make some real friends who inspire and help you grow.

How do you envision Red Palette Studio’s operations eventually, concerning the changing scenario of your niche, post-pandemic?

E-commerce and handmade goods are good to go in future, also using eco-friendly products will be the talk of the town. Converting scrap to beautiful pieces for customers is a real deal that will grow in future owing to the current situation of pollution and garbage.

I look forward to making a niche by converting scrap to lovely products and using fusion to give an extra edge to my products.

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