Savit Interactive – Delivering Innovative Solutions Smartly

Bhavin Thakkar | Founder & Director | Savit Interactive | Internet marketing company
Bhavin Thakkar | Founder & Director | Savit Interactive | Internet marketing company

Every journey is derived from the perseverance. The capabilities and strategies goes hand in hand when it comes to doing business. Driving with similar sense, given below are the thoughts of an organization striving for success in its industry paving new ground in this digital world.

  1. Brief us about the journey of your company– origin, inception, early issues, success stories and major milestones, to name a few.

Savit Interactive was founded in 2004 as an Internet marketing company. Today, we are an ISO 9001:2008 certified SEO company offering various services in the digital marketing arena. The company was conceived with the core purpose of helping SMEs and corporates to pursue their digital marketing needs. We aim to help them leverage the platform in the most effective manner. We have 1700+ SME clients whom we work with day and night to help them generate constant digital inquiries, establishing their digital presence globally. However, it was not always all this rosy.

Initially, we faced ample of hiccups when we were trying to set the company up. We got into the world of digital marketing at the very beginning of the digital era. We were almost as new as the industry which was evolving rapidly. Back in the day, there wasn’t a clear classification of the different entities that the marketing budgets could be used for. There was a period of trial and error and daily experimentation. We were trying to learn from Google and Google was probably trying to learn from agencies like us by observing the varied ideas we were implementing for our clients. But our never-give-up attitude helped. Eventually, we could identify the various streams of digital marketing we wanted to offer and identified the right teams for the job.

In our decade and a half of existence, we have serviced hundreds of happy clients, received numerous testimonies, were featured in multiple print & digital magazines and have won multiple awards & accolades.

  1. Brief us about the CEO/Founder of your company.

Bhavin Thakkar, the founder-director of Savit Interactive holds a degree in MBA Marketing. He started Savit Interactive with the sole aim to help clients unlock the unlimited potential of the Internet. His goal is to accelerate the growth of the company and our clients by expanding their market reach, help them in generating maximum business leads, and convert bigger sales numbers. His in-depth understanding and experience in the subjects of Marketing and Technology have further helped the company get positive results in the area of Internet Marketing.

Our company provides solutions across a spectrum of technology services like website, design and development, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), pay per click (PPC), domain plus web hosting, and other related products.

Bhavin’s unflinching belief in providing services of the highest quality with true value to our patrons has given our company an extremely illustrious client list consisting of many esteemed organizations in India and oversees.

  1. Kindly talk about the exclusive products or services offered by your company. How does it distinguishes you from your competitors?

Although we deal in an array of services, our exclusive services remain SEO and SEM. This leads to the question that, ‘With so many SEO and SEM agencies in the market, how are we different?’

Well, we are different because we have a result-driven approach with a dedicated focus on generating positive ROI for our clients. Our entire strategy is designed in such a way that the media used to post content on behalf of our clients giving maximum positive ROI and meets the clients’ business objectives phase by phase.

Another feather in our hat is our years of experience and the number of projects we’ve managed so far. This helps us arrive at winning strategies for our clients, something that we’ve perfected over the past decade and a half.

  1. What is the vision and mission of your company?

Savit Interactive has a clear vision. We aspire to become the world’s most preferred company in the field of Internet Marketing and SEO. Our mission is to attain our vision by constantly offering innovative solutions in the said fields.

  1. What kind of challenges has the company faced industry-wise?

Any company that is growing faces a number of challenges over time. But one of the ongoing challenges we’ve been facing since our conception is the constantly changing algorithms of Google for SEO. With innovative products, new launches and constant upgrades in SEM too by the various digital entities like Google Adwords (which returned 10 years ago), Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., keeping up with every new nuance of the industry can be difficult.

New and relevant social media platforms are coming up now and then; the social media scene is also constantly changing. So, adapting to new digital channels & platforms and training in-house teams to consistently match SEO & SEM requirements, remains our topmost need and some of our biggest & recurring challenges over the years.

  1. How has technological advancements and innovation in the industry affected your business?

We are in the business of technology!

Hence, every advancement and innovation affects our business in a big way. Everything from automated reports to automated audit reports, understanding Google Analytics, figuring out the relevant dashboards made by various companies that aids our day-to-day business, and many more, affects our business.

The use of the Internet and technology has expanded in a big way. This has led to big, technological changes in the geo-economical scenarios. A lot of new users are going digital with their business daily, making digital marketing a very successful and relevant industry.

We are technology! It keeps evolving and we evolve with it. This helps us continuously improve our business, productivity and cost-efficiency.

  1. How Digital Marketing is changing the face of businesses in India?

Digital marketing is changing the face of Indian businesses in a big way. Most companies, today, allot their initial marketing spends on digital marketing only rather than going the traditional way. It has helped start-ups and SMEs take a heads-on approach alongside big, multinational companies.

The best part about our business is that it is no longer the case that the more you spend, the more the reach is. In fact, if you spend smartly with digital marketing, come up with engaging strategies and engage in viral content, you can make it extremely cost-effective for your clients too. This has turned the tables and allowed a fair competition in today’s economic scenario.

  1. How do you portray the future of your company in the next decade?

The next decade seems quite exciting and challenging as well. In the coming 10 years, we are going to witness lots of new social media platforms and there are going to be many, many changes in the digital marketing industry. Artificial intelligence is going to become a key factor. We are going to see new tools take over ‘search’ with voice search becoming the key search tool. This trend is a sure shot game changer with the way voice search is increasing day by day.

The future looks pretty exciting with so many impending innovations. The digital marketing agency that can successfully adapt to all the technological advancements is going to be the winning team.

And, we’re ready for that change! We are all geared and charged up.

  1. How Google Partners are creating its legacy in the Indian economy?

Almost every digital marketing and SEO agency out there wants to call itself a proven agency. How then can a potential client differentiate between two agencies and identify the one they should trust? I’ll say that you should trust someone, who Google does. Savit Interactive received a Google Gold Partner Badge in the year 2007. Since then, we have been an official Google partner and helped hundreds of brands make their mark in the world of business. A partner badge is a differentiator between a premium digital marketing agency and a freelancer or start-up in our domain.

That said, we, as Google partners, contribute to the Indian economy by empowering our client’s businesses. Being a trusted partner of the world’s largest or most popular search engine works in the interest of our clients. They acknowledge that they’re being serviced by an agency with a proven track record of generating a sizable ROI for their marketing spends and that trust helps us build our legacy. We use the latest tech and keep ourselves updated with every new trend in the industry. We also constantly train our teams with the best industry practices. By doing so, we ensure that our clients’ brands receive the best service and care.

  1. How start-ups are benefiting from digital marketing rather than traditional marketing?

Digital marketing and traditional marketing are different from one another in far too many ways. It is not an exaggeration to say that digital marketing is a boon for start-ups. Think about the start-up ecosystem without the backing of digital media and marketing. I believe that start-ups would never survive if we lacked agencies that focused on non-traditional marketing. Digital marketing has boosted young companies in a variety of ways. It works for start-ups because digital marketing spends can be measured and controlled. Not only that, with digital spends, you can always expect them to generate returns on the spends almost immediately. There have been so many cases, where we have seen results in the first month itself. With digital and social platforms like Google, Facebook and LinkedIn, it is also possible to design, customised marketing plans to suit a start-up’s target audience.

Traditional marketing may not have lost complete relevance but they are almost obsolete for young companies with a more tech-savvy target audience.

  1. What advice would you give to the aspiring google partners looking to enter the industry?

My advice to all aspiring agencies trying to earn google partner badges would be to work in the interest of your clients. Although your end motive is to earn money through your business, putting your clients’ interest before yours is a sure shot way to earn their respect and help them trust you. Another thing, young companies and new entrants must keep in mind is that a well-trained team leads to your success. Do what’s right for your client and give your employees the scope to keep upgraded and updated, and people will notice you. As you continue on that path, Google too will notice you and, voila! You’ll receive your Google Partner badge.

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