Safexpay: Payments platform tailored to your business

Ravi Gupta & Swapnil Jambhale_ Founder and CEO & Co-Founder & COO | SafexPay

The proliferation of technology has revolutionized Digital Payments. Digital initiatives and innovations have been significantly rewarding and play a dominant role in driving down costs, building efficiency and working as an enabler for excellence in customer service.

Fintech continues to innovate and experiment on the mobile and Internet Payment platforms which have seen huge positive customer responses. With the right blend of technology-driven initiatives that effectively enhance customer experience, operations, and delivery, Fintech is most likely to thrive in the fast-changing world.

However, now, thanks to Safexpay, any business, enterprise, and company can simplify their payments infrastructure and banking needs to grow their business. Because with Safexpay, they can seamlessly accept payments from their customers, streamline payments to their vendors or partners, and emerge as a Neo Bank for their customers.

Established by Ravi Gupta, the Founder and CEO, and Swapnil Jambhale, Co-founder and COO of Safexpay, this Fintech firm is focused on resolving payment gaps for businesses, right from accepting to disbursing online payments to various stakeholders.

Ravi says, “We also specialize in making our platform available to other merchant acquirers such as banks, financial institutions, Fintech’s, and international clients, making us the leader in B2B white-labelled payments.”

Swapnil adds, “The expedition from being a modest start-up to leading the Fintech organization has been remarkable. In course of years, our product solutions have garnered favorable comments from clients globally”

Creating a Revolutionary Payment Ecosystem

Ravi made a significant career change in 2017. He chose to throw his hat in the ring and pursue his entrepreneurship dream after a decade of working at prestigious Fintech companies such as EBS as Assistant Manager and Tech Process as Vice President.

After conducting extensive market research, he focused on creating something unique:

Safexpay is the Next-Gen payment solutions company. Its objective is to improve end users’ payment experiences and abides by the motto- Swifter. Safer. Simpler.

Ravi shares, “We commenced our journey by creating payment products that allow businesses to accept payments digitally. Over time, we realized that there are more issues faced by businesses in the payment domain and we strived to address these concerns by creating an all-encompassing payment suite”

Ravi elaborates, “In 2018, this realization led to, us creating a white-labelled payment platform that could be used by other companies wanting to sell similar services as us across the globe. Today, we are the leader in this space, and multiple companies across the world use our platform.”

Safexpay has evolved as a leading Fintech company and offers a comprehensive payment suite that includes solutions for accepting and disbursing payments in a seamless manner.

Simply put, Safexpay covers all areas of businesses that involve money mobility. Swapnil reveals, we also wanted to help companies move money to their relevant stakeholders, be it vendors, employees, or customers. We launched our payout product, assisting businesses to do these transactions in milliseconds.

At the turn of the new decade, we are excited by the digital future that lies ahead and the possibilities it creates for us. Our team is working hard and will be launching more products and services to keep the wheels of the economy moving by helping businesses flourish.”

Think Beyond Banking Experience

Safexpay’s core offerings includes solutions to:

  • Accept Payments-A single platform to accept payments the way any business wants, by developing a customized experience integrating with Safexpay’s APIs and SDKs or simply creating a payment button or sending a link to the customers with zero developmental efforts.
  • Make Payouts-Transfer money 24*7 with Safexpay payouts instantly anywhere, anytime, efficiently with speed and convenience.
  • Neo Banks- Our platform, plus your brand will be a combination that’s ready to sell in minutes. We support deep customizations for all our products. Pick and choose your features, and you are ready to go.

Its ‘White Label Platform contains,

  • Payment Gateway-Your business, your branding, and your platform. Businesses can use our payment gateway platform out of the box to start acquiring merchants without worrying about integrating with banks, creating integrations kits, and merchant support systems.”
  • Payouts-Setup your own payment gateway and create your own payments solution.

Safexpay Partner Program incorporates,

  • Reseller Program-You can earn money from your existing clients. Swapnil states, “We have everything you need to satiate your clients to accept or send money.” 

Offsetting the Challenges at the Onset

When asked what initial challenges he faced while commencing Safexpay, Ravi revealed, “There were three primary challenges. Competition, Team Building, and Investment.”

  • Competition- The commercial world is a ruthless environment. There is always competition amongst businesses. Ravi says, “One of the most significant obstacles we faced in our start-up’s existence is competition.” The competition is substantially higher while establishing a dynamic digital presence.
  • Team Building- Cohesiveness is an essential factor in determining organizational culture in a startup. Individuals with complementing talents and goals make up a team. Organizations in general, and start-ups in particular, must hire passionate people in order to develop a highly productive team.
  • Investment- Start-ups usually find it exceedingly difficult to effectively manage their money when there is a financial influx and suffocate under the weight. Ravi expresses, “Although this was a challenge for us as an organization, we substantially faced and triumphed over this.” 

Leader’s Business Relationship Advice

Ravi’s advice to imminent entrepreneurs who are willing to start their own venture is quite unique. He says that starting a business is equivalent to starting a relationship. Everyone ventures out with a lot of hopes and are dreamy-eyed, but depending on the decisions one makes when they first start, they soon meet with the reality that is either good or bad.

“I strongly suggest the upcoming entrepreneurs to take their time and challenge their assumptions before fully committing to ensure the credibility of their approach.”

Experiencing a slew of minor setbacks is an unavoidable aspect of life and business. Finally, failing quickly and frequently will make one stronger. In actuality, some of the most successful business strategies and companies have sprung from past errors.

Every setback should be considered a chance to learn something new. Accept it, learn from it, take a step back and look at the bigger picture, make changes, and move on.

As contradictory as it may sound, allow yourself to fail more and eventually win more. Be your Biggest Critic and the Biggest Fan.

While Swapnil advices, “When considering launching a business, many people may consider what could go wrong if it fails. This is reasonable, and you should try to minimize the risks, but don’t forget to consider if and when the things go right, the opportunity of winning 100 times more is the best risk to take.”

He further adds, “When it comes to USPs, don’t be scared to take risks. Clients appreciate creativity, but don’t go overboard. Make sure your eccentric pitch is well-planned and instead of gimmicks, employ a strategy with a thorough understanding of the market.” 

Emerging Industry Leaders

Being an experienced leader, Ravi’s opinion on how the involvement of emerging technologies enhances the industry and what advancements can we expect in the future is optimistic. According to Ravi, the rising pandemic has had a significant impact on the global economies and financial markets, including India’s Fintech sector.

Nonetheless, it is evident that in the current environment, some steps must be made to expedite the restoration and growth of India’s Fintech sector. Fintech players around the country must adopt an inventive, aggressive, and futuristic approach to reinvigorate their operations as a result of the pandemic’s economic crisis.

With his expertise, Swapnil states, “while the COVID-19 pandemic and shutdown propelled Fintech services into the mainstream, additional factors like global adoption of Fintech services, Fintech awareness, and the focus on new technologies are all impacting the Fintech industry’s future. These elements will have a big influence on how banking develops in the future. Fintech is at the forefront of the emerging financial system in every country. The Indian Fintech industry has risen to prominence” 

Crafting the Future’s Global Economy

When probed about where he envisions Safexpay eventually and how he plans to embrace the changes happening in the industry, Ravi reveals, “Safexpay’s payment platform is now used by a large number of firms throughout the world, making them the industry leader. With a customized payment suite, it enables businesses to manage their money more effectively.”

Finally, Ravi and Swapnil mutually conclude on a promising note, “Furthermore, as we enter a new decade, our team is intrigued by the digital potential that lies ahead. We will launch new products and services to keep the economy spinning as a result of our ongoing support for businesses.”

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