S.K. SRIVASTAV & CO.: Exemplifying the Culture of Legal Excellence

In a civilized society, the rule of law governs all our formal and informal affairs, including our personal and professional lives – our properties, our work, running and managing a business, social connections, and everything. In fact, the legal domain controls the governments, public, private, and military establishments, local and global administrations, policy enforcement, and establishing, running and even closure of the enterprises.

However, not everyone comprehends the law due to its vast and ever-evolving nature. That is why in our day-to-day activities, we often need reliable, trustworthy, and adept legal assistance in executing our personal or business agreements, contracts, legal understandings, by-laws, wills and all the other legal documents from notary to affidavit. In any scenario, clever strategic preparation involves collaborating early with S.K. Srivastav & Co., Advocates & Solicitors–a leading Law Firm to ensure that you and your business affairs are safe from seen-unforeseen future vulnerabilities.

An Exceptional Leader Par Exemplar

The firm is Founder Mr Satish Kumar Srivastav’s living legacy of over three decades. Mr Srivastav, the man on the legal mission, had a humble beginning. The saga commenced with him being an individual Practitioner of law. Over the next 35 years, with his astute vision, keen understanding, legal acumen, and adept leadership style, Mr Srivastav evolved slowly but surely to establish his legendary firm to serve people seeking legal counsel. The individuals or entities came to him from fields as diverse as Corporate and Commercial Arbitration, Industry Law, Dispute Resolution, Litigation, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Real Estate, International Trade and Finance, and many more.

He served each of them with all the passion, compassion, and expertise he possessed. Thus born, the trustworthy brand of S.K. Srivastav & Co.

Mr Srivastav has been practising since 1985 at the Bombay High Court, Delhi High Court, Supreme Court of India and Supreme Court of England and Wales. Certified to practice in the Supreme Court of England and Wales as a Solicitor, Mr Srivastav is International Bar Association’s Fellowship awardee. With a vast experience and expertise in Civil, Corporate, Commercial and Writ domains, Mr Srivastav regularly appeared before the prominent judiciary in several Indian and International courts while handling delicate matters successfully. Acting further as an Arbitrator, Mr Srivastav holds considerable experience as an accredited Adjudicator and Mediator.

All his credentials and expertise are enough to build confidence in Mr Srivastav’s clients. He further asserts, “To us, at S.K. Srivastav & Co., ‘success’ means our clients can sleep well at night with confidence that they are in the capable hands of our firm.”

By the People, For the People

Based on the foundational principles of trust, honesty, transparency, and commitment, S.K. Srivastav & Co. has always been successful in offering staunchly personalized legal solutions and precise counsel to its clients when compared with its rivals or competition. “It is our belief that ‘you must resolve the solution rather than advising people to instigate and litigate in the Court,” expresses Mr Srivastav.

The Firm is always in pursuit of finding an amicably settling solution between the disputing parties rather than advising outright litigation. This factor sets it apart from other law firms allowing it to resolve about 60% of the conflicts. “This is our unique strategy which always brings favourable results. This is what we stand for; for our clients, our legal counsel seeking people to get the most out of the cases outside the Court,” says Mr Srivastav, adding, “We have the distinction of negotiating and settling more than 2/3rd of our cases. We continuously strive to settle the remaining others.”

A Digital Legal Outlook

While talking about how the Legal Industry has been coping with the technological integration in these post-pandemic times, Mr Srivastav cites, “Earlier dependence of the Legal Industry on physical meeting with clients, negotiations and arguing, filing papers, and mostly relying on analogue methods is now minimalized.”

Since the late nineties, India has the Digital technology. However, the Legal Industry had been reluctant to its adoption and usage. In his view, an unprepared Legal Industry before the pandemic is now coming to terms with digital tech, online hearings, and virtual courts.

“The Lawyers were not so used to virtually addressing the Court. And now, many of the smaller and some of the prime cases are being addressed online or virtually. It is heartening to see the new normal for the legal sector,” feels Mr Srivastav while succinctly advising the Educational Arena about bringing digital legal education to the masses and making it accessible and enriching.

He is, however, quite confident that the Legal Industry will eventually speed up the tech reliance. He cites the example of computers and smartphones, which were used by a few but are now the mainstream devices people can’t live without. “To succeed in the legal profession, a Lawyer should be sincere, hard-working, adaptable and have a passion for learning the law while being tech-savvy,” suggests Mr Srivastav.

A Foundational Network of Strategic Brilliance

Today under the capable guidance of Mr Srivastav, the firm has strengthened its ground by following the technique first to comprehend, then strategize based on the facts and law, consequently outlaying the precise legal solutions. With greater interest in Indian operations, the Firm acts as a window for a clearer and updated view of India.

The firm S.K. Srivatsav is constantly consolidating its foundation by adding on to its know-how and facts and rule-based legal strategizing and counsel delivered by utilizing its expert team of compassionate advocates, attorneys, lawyers, and legal counsellors with a pragmatic and innovative approach.

The Firm has become a prominently trustworthy platform to better legal solutions and up-to-date insights into all the Indian industry’s functioning and corporate operations. With its Pan-India offices in major cities like Mumbai and New Delhi, S.K. Srivastav is associated with multiple international legal networks, including,

  • World Link for Law
  • Association of European Lawyers (AEA)
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • International Law Association (ILA)
  • International Trademark Association (INTA)
  • International Intellectual Law Property Association (IIPLA)
  • Association of Intellectual Property Firms (AIPF)
  • International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
  • International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ICADR)
  • Law Asia
  • Com
  • The Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF)
  • Advocates Law Firms Association (ALFA), Mr Srivastav is the President of ALFA
  • International Legal Alliance (ILA)

Further, the Firm has added innumerable awards and recognitions to its fame, including,

  • Intellectual Property Rights Law Firm of the Year – Corporate INTL Global Award, 2022
  • Intellectual Property Rights Law Firm of the Year- Global Law Expert, 2021
  • Civil Litigation Law Firm of the Year- Corporate INTL Global Award, 2020
  • Business World Global Legal Summit & India Leaders Award, 2019
  • Promising Advocate and Solicitor – Advocate G.M. Shitahatti Memorial Award, 2018
  • Best Arbitration Law Firm in India- The Lawyers Network (TLN), 2014
  • 250 Leading Law Firms- Intercontinental Finance Magazine, 2014
  • Commercial Law Firm of the Year – Corporate INTL – 2014

A Wisdom-full Counsel

Being an experienced legal counsellor and speaking with three-and-a-half decades of expertise, Mr Srivastav strongly advises future generations seeking a law career–the legal profession demands patience, perseverance, hard work and a lifelong learning attitude.

“You cannot expect to study four or five years and become a complete Lawyer; you have to continue learning, especially in a country like India where the laws and acts keep changing. To become a successful Lawyer, you must carry a lifelong learning attitude,” he reiterates.

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