Runal Jare Patil: A Model with a Relentless Spirit

Runal Jare Patil

Every Profession has its challenges. In every field of work, there are ups and downs. People may lose hope, but the clarity to work tirelessly towards achieving the set goals is found amongst very few. One such gentleman having a zeal to work under tremendous pressure creatively is none other than Runal Jare Patil. He is a professional model who strives to make a difference in the entertainment and the branding industry.

In an exclusive interview with Insights Success, he shares his journey towards becoming an outstanding model. Let’s hear what he has to say in the below excerpts of the interview:

Please brief our audience about your profession.

By profession I work as a Model. My work is to showcase the brands and the products by using self-representation skills.

What differentiates you from your competition?

Rather than working as a strict professional, it is better to work with passion. I analyse myself every day in a way where I can improve myself more and more and that makes me unique.

Guide us through your personal life. What does it look like?

According to my point of view, life is war land we need to fight. We must fight for everything, every single opportunity. Sometimes we win, other times we do not. But we should get up again and again and keep fighting back.

What were the challenges you faced while getting into the profession you provide services in?

As a Model I faced a lot of challenges. The big challenge for me was, well – me. It started from self-grooming, communication skills, confidence and improving the way of communication. If I communicate with designer or choreographer, it was very important to express myself in a proper manner so that I can get a great opportunity.

How the adaptation of new technology in your field has helped transforming your workspace and what more could be expected in the future?

Yes, the technology helped a lot like nowadays, we are participating in online auditions for upcoming shoot and projects. Even this also helped me to learn about modelling poses, requirements and availed me the global exposure I was looking for, creating and expanding my network across the national and international boundaries.

How has the ongoing pandemic affected your work life? How are you sustaining in these difficult times, keeping yourself safe at the same time?

The pandemic has affected globally, and it is up to us, how we stand together in these difficult times is important. It is difficult to work in such cases, but I always try my best to overcome these problems by working online and being creative. It helps me maintain a workflow in these tiring situations.

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