About two months after its website was launched in more than 200 cities, Reliance has now launched JioMart’s Android and iOS application. The app has a rating of 4.6 and 4.4 stars of five with 13 MB in Google Play Store and 30.7 MB size in the Apple App Store. More than 10,000 Google Play Store downloads were registered in the app.
The app’s description read on Google Play Store read as ‘JioMart brings to you a whole new world of online grocery shopping with incredibly low prices on all grocery items. We offer a minimum of 5% below MRP every day.‘
JioMart has now begun to offer home delivery free of charge on all orders with no minimum order amount necessary. Reliance has also extended the RelianceOne or ROne loyalty program under Reliance Retail to JioMart to allow customers to earn ROne points and redeem them against transactions other than exclusive offers on different brands and products.
The expansion of JioMart will introduce electronics, apparel, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare goods to the website, strengthening its ability to compete directly with Amazon and Flipkart as one of India’s largest e-commerce firms.
JioMart’s rise reflects Reliance’s huge investment from several investors, including Facebook, Google, and others.