Priya Aswani: Unrelentingly Passionate Entrepreneur on the Journey of Lifetime Success

Priya Aswani
Priya Aswani

My greatest adversary throughout my life has been my thoughts. Not all thoughts, only the ones that make me unhappy and cause me to torture myself for lengthy periods of time. They were frequently the outcome of my own activities. Thoughts carry the power of breaking or making you. We often believe that we are what we eat, but the truth is we are what we think of in the darkest of hours.

One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” Well, what about the pessimistic ones at night? They are often referred to as ‘3 AM thoughts’. What are these thoughts, why do they exist, and what do they do to us? These 3 AM thoughts are what change us, shape us, and make us who we are. What we truly believe in, we speak it, and what we are scared of, we think about it. – Excerpts from the Book “3 AM Thoughts” published by Notion Press and authored by mePriya Aswanipresently without any official designation, but just like the big-hearted team of Insights Success, you can call me, ‘One of The Emerging Entrepreneurs to Watch – 2023.’

The Power of Positive Thoughts

As an individual who has always placed great faith in the power of determination and perseverance, I have embarked on a remarkable journey of entrepreneurship, and I am proud to have achieved several accomplishments at the age of 18.

I firmly believe that all through my journey, my father’s (Mr Satish Aswani) blessings guided me constantly. He believed in me, gave me wings to fly, and have continually guided and supported me in my every achievement. Thanks, dad!

Driven by my unrelenting passion for personal growth and self-development, I seized every opportunity that presented itself to me, be it my certification as a CCE-accredited Arfeen Khan coach, my completion of a course in cognitive-behavioural therapy, or my pursuit of digital content and creative writing courses.

These experiences have helped me acquire valuable knowledge and expertise and allowed me to delve deeper into my interests and hone my skills. My journey culminated in the creation of my book, 3 AM Thoughts, where I poured my heart and soul into crafting a literary work that reflects my philosophy on the significance of defining our thoughts and understanding their impact on our lives. This project has been an immensely gratifying experience, allowing me to express my thoughts and ideas through creative and engaging prose.

Throughout my journey, I have also been fortunate enough to secure internships with several top firms, win various awards and accolades for my contributions to coaching, writing, and entrepreneurship, and gain acceptance to multiple prestigious universities in the US.

In conclusion, my entrepreneurial journey reflects my unwavering determination and hard work. I believe in pursuing my passions and embracing every opportunity that comes my way. My book, 3 AM Thoughts, reflects my thoughts and ideas, and it is sure to inspire and empower others to define their thoughts and turn them into forever definitions.

What You Think, You Become

These thoughts either bind us or empower us. It’s how we let these thoughts control us. It’s how we let them impact us. We may feel powerless in front of them. However, the power of change is far greater, and if we take control of change, it can lead to powerful thoughts that cannot be shaken by overthinking, anxiety, or fear. It’s true that we have the power. However, we are clueless about how to channel that power and how to sort out each thought. It’s the process of transformation that could lead to unleashing that power and welcoming empowering thoughts and feelings. I have often believed that the power that our thoughts have is true; they shape who we are and also influence our thoughts massively.

These powerful thoughts can often lead to things we don’t want to do or stop us from doing things we want to do. “I regret… and not I pursue.” Because of the confusion our thoughts create, we have no clue and often wonder, “Where am I going with my life?” Our thoughts have the power to make us question our importance, “No one cares about me.” These thoughts question our capability, “Why am I not enough?” These thoughts also question our interaction with people, “Do they like me or not,” or “It is who I am.” We are obliged to serve a purpose and to fulfil expectations, “I am not able to live up to other people’s expectations.” These thoughts are formed after the experience repeats itself, and we think it’s a pattern that “Bad things always happen to me.” These thoughts also question our ability and are bound to not extend our abilities, “I will, I can,” we question between our will and our ability. – Excerpts from the Book “3 AM Thoughts” published by Notion Press.

Empowering Thyself

From my interactions with my peers, I’ve come to understand that they value my leadership skills, values, and qualities, which revolve around authenticity, empathy, and a strong work ethic.

I believe that being authentic is a key aspect of effective leadership. By sharing my personal experiences, challenges, and successes, I can connect with my co-workers on a deeper level and establish trust.

Empathy is another quality that I consider to be essential to my leadership style. I prioritize listening to my peers and understanding their perspectives, needs, and goals. It allows me to tailor my approach and provide personalized support and guidance that meets their individual needs.

Other skills are:

Vision: I am passionate about pursuing bold and innovative ideas and strive to communicate a clear vision of where we are headed as a team.

Adaptability: I can pivot quickly in response to changing circumstances and am comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty.

Collaboration: I prioritize building strong relationships with my peers and am committed to working collaboratively to achieve our goals.

Accountability: I take ownership of my mistakes, strive to learn from them, and hold myself and my peers accountable for meeting our commitments.

Creativity: I enjoy brainstorming new ideas and problem-solving approaches and can think outside the box.

Identifying Emotional Hacks

These thoughts are just a few within a million. We have around 12,000–50,000 thoughts daily, of which 80% of the thoughts are caging you and stopping you from unleashing the real power. These thoughts can transform into empowering ones with the help of several processes, the first one being you wanting help and accepting what’s bothering you and then being committed to helping yourself.

These emotions lead to greater things in life. So to achieve those greater things, you have to be a detective in your own life and find out why that thought is binding and steal its power to do so and make it a thought that empowers you.

  • Find the source.
  • Find the power it has.
  • Breathe in.
  • Transform that thought.
  • Find an empowering thought that helps you transform yourself.– Excerpts from the Book “3 AM Thoughts” published by Notion Press.

Tech Encoded Aid

As someone who has had the opportunity to gain experience with firms in various fields, including entrepreneurship and content creation, I have seen first-hand how adopting modern technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can significantly impact the industry.

AI and ML can potentially revolutionize business by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing decision-making capabilities. For example, AI-powered chatbots can help companies provide round-the-clock customer service, while ML algorithms can help identify patterns and trends in large datasets, enabling businesses to make more informed strategic decisions.

Of course, there are also potential challenges associated with adopting AI and ML, such as the need to ensure data privacy and security and the risk of job displacement for workers whose roles are automated. With the benefits, AI cannot have the power a human mind does; skills such as empathy, comprehension of human behaviour and ability to tackle behavioural issues in a business can only be done manually and cannot be coded.

Unleashing The Mind’s Force

It is obviously easier said than done, but there are several processes that can help us to figure out a way to deal with our thoughts and use the methods to ensure that no feeling, no thought has the power to bind us but to unleash the empowered version of us.

Now I am not new to these thoughts and have had several of them haunting me and turning my dreams into nightmares, changing my inner self, allowing me to believe in the worst, and overpowering my consciousness. I have come across these methods, tools, and experiences that helped me transform my binding thoughts and put myself in a powerful perspective. These processes did not just help me transform my thoughts but helped me take a vacation from my mind, and not because I needed one but because that was the best solution. – Excerpts from the Book “3 AM Thoughts” published by Notion Press.

Overcoming Obstacles 

As a young entrepreneur, I face various challenges in the current industry, ranging from financial constraints to maintaining a competitive edge. One of the biggest challenges I face is the constant need to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies to stay ahead. I overcome this challenge by investing in continuous learning and professional development programs like the Harvard Summer School and the Jay Shetty Coaching Program.

As an emerging entrepreneur, I often face scepticism from potential clients who may not take me seriously due to my age or lack of experience. To overcome this, I rely on my strong communication and interpersonal skills to establish trust and credibility with potential clients. I also provide tangible evidence of my capabilities through past accomplishments, like my published book and my Jr. MBA venture that won investment.

Additionally, I have leveraged my networking skills to build meaningful connections with peers and mentors who can provide valuable guidance and support.

Erasing the Irrational Pain

We have all been a victim of overthinking, that feeling of something dark creeping in, terrifying, like we are on a roller-coaster ride. It has gotten the best of us and turned us into anxious, fearful individuals. It’s 3:05 AM. I am thinking about how life couldn’t be worse, how everything is falling apart when the truth is that I just experienced a bad day out of hundreds of good days. We always think about it at the same time. Overthinking about life seems easier because it is an irrational way of thinking, and we prefer caving into the pain and fear rather than fighting a little longer and overcoming the pain forever. It is not easy, but it sure can be if we give it a chance and believe in the change that’s about to occur. – Excerpts from the Book “3 AM Thoughts” published by Notion Press.

You Must Believe in Yourself

I advise budding entrepreneurs to have an unwavering belief in themselves and their ideas. Along with a clear vision, a strong passion, and a willingness to learn, adapt and take risks, it’s essential to build a supportive team and seek advice from experts in the industry. Inevitable mistakes should be viewed as learning opportunities that can be used to move forward.

The Constant Energy of Change

Thinking about positive or empowering thoughts gives you the energy to turn them into reality. The thoughts are also incurring a journey from being binding thoughts and emotions to becoming empowering thoughts that lead to unleashing the real you. Each thought incurs a different process with the same purpose—to change. – Excerpts from the Book “3 AM Thoughts” published by Notion Press.

The Secret Traits of Success 

Successful entrepreneurs should possess unwavering self-belief, strong passion and motivation, a clear vision, adaptability, a willingness to learn and take risks, and effective communication skills. Additionally, a successful entrepreneur should be able to build and lead a strong team, have a good understanding of the market and industry trends, be financially savvy, and have the ability to make tough decisions under pressure.

My Tiny Credentials for Your Perusal

  • Certified Digital Content Writer(CDCW); and Certified Creative Writing Specialist (CCWS) by Henry Harvin Writing Academy.
  • Certificate in ‘Executive Presence and Influence: Persuasive Leadership Development’ by The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2022. 
  • Awarded as the Tagore Commemorative Honouree Author for 2022for Literary Contribution and Beyond.
  • Earned Online Undergraduate Summer Internshipfrom Harvard Summer School in 2022.
  • Internship Certificate as a Marketing Internwith Callido Learning Pvt Ltd while interning with Madhu Agarwal – Co-founder of Callido (Oct 2020-April 2021).
  • Certificate of Appreciation as a Sustainable Disruptor for Impactful Ventureby Clever Harvey.
  • Certificate of Achievement as Jr CEO, Jr CMO, andJr CTO from Clever Harvey’s Junior MBA Program, 2020. 
  • Certified as a CCE-accredited Arfeen Khan coach.
  • Author of a published self-help book ‘3 AM Thoughts’ by Notion Press.

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