Open Mind: Crafting a Precise Knowledge Processing Solution for Your Business

Naveen Gulati CEO Rakhi Gulati COO Open Mind Services

Technological progress and the rise of knowledge industries have created new business opportunities in the Indian market. A wide variety of research and analysis of intellectual property, equity and finance, analytics, insurance underwriting, human resources, market research, and data management businesses see a veritable surge in the volume of data. With shorter decision cycles, reduced time to market, and solid competition, companies are looking for ways to create data-driven decisions. Both structured and unstructured data from organization-wide systems and external sources like social media and market is raising challenges in collecting, dealing, examining, and delivering objective insights to the businesses.
Following this business attitude, Open Mind, is a pioneer in the Knowledge Outsourcing Sector, capitalizes on dedicated research and solution to support and build successful business strategies with data-driven insights that can assist in analyzing the present business environment, while predicting knowledge processing trends.
Open Mind Services Ltd. is a prominent Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) company meeting outsourcing demands in varied arenas such as Tele Health Help Desk, HR / Employee Helpdesk, Facility Management Helpdesk, Lead Generation, Vendor Management, and Call centers.
Instigators of Open Mind
An innovative entrepreneur creates a vision, articulates the vision, passionately owns the vision, and relentlessly drives it towards completion. Naveen Gulati, CEO, Open Mind, formed his own company after completing his Engineering degree, while also gaining extensive experience through his family business. Being a proactive chief of Open Mind, he always attains his objectives through a daily self-mail, which he drafts himself every night to be delivered before he reaches his desk the next morning.
Naveen used his capability and insights to connect resources, people, process, technology, product/service offerings and his ambitious and competitive position to grow revenue, profit and business of at small BPO, Silver Lining, which was  established in 2003, and nurtured it into a well-established name, Open Mind,  in the field of Help Desk Services, Patient Relationship Management, HR related KPOs and BPO Consultancy.
COO of Open Mind and Naveen’s wife, Rakhi Gulati has strengthened the company with her exceptional management and training skills. She is a Life coach who trains the employees to become a member of the Open Mind family and believe in their dreams. Rakhi is a post graduate in Life Sciences and has a deep understanding in the subject of patient care. She has managed to take the patient helpdesk of many big hospitals to its logical conclusion. With abundant energy and ever smiling attitude, she has captured the heart and mind of all people working in the company.
Dishing up the Class of Business
“Mind is like a parachute; it works only when it is open”, Open Mind works on this principle of the Dalai Lama and believes in the philosophy of working for their clients, looking out for their focus areas and crafting the most fitting solution for them. They have expertise in both Voice and Non Voice based activities as follow:
Tele Health Patient Help Desk
Tele Healthcare Connect Centre supports hospitals in taking care of the patients through various components like Appointment Management, facilitating patients to connect with the doctors, Patient Feedback, Patient Reminder, Patient Monitoring and much more. For more than a decade, Open Mind’s trained resources, with an empathetic approach, link the patients to benefit them and enhances the brand value of the healthcare provider.
Help Line Call Center
Helpline is a priority for most organizations to understand their customers better. Be it for a complaint or a query, Open Mind Services specializes in it, providing a helpline for multiple services to connect their clients with the customers. A helpline helps in creating a bond between the customer and the services/goods provider.
HRBridge HR Help Desk
Open Mind believes, “An Employee Helpdesk can achieve what many HR Managers want to, the much required HUMAN RELATIONSHIP.” They are trying to make a difference by creating and managing Employee Help Desks, which they have been doing for many years for their clients all around India. Open Mind’s HR Shared Services connect employee with the company, providing all the HR related information and adding greater value by transporting the transactional workload of HR Managers to their trained resources.
In Bound Communication Centre
Open Mind’s facility management service helps the organization to transfer the pressure related to internal facility services and develop a pivotal point for the organization as well as the vendors. It streamlines the process of all facilities related to communication and provides a distinct point which relays the same to the concerned vendors and also follows-up for the completion of the communication. This helps in accumulating all the data as well as streamlining and cultivating processes.
The company comes from a competent medical background to provide backend support for medical equipments and to fulfill all their customers related complaints. The complaints are then forwarded to the field staff, who help in speeding up the process. This process result is shared with the customers through SMS and Email to assist them in understanding the process better. Open Mind employs an efficient follow-up and feedback system which assists the organization to serve its customers better and also to evaluate employee productivity. Open Mind’s USP for better customer satisfaction can be elucidated as, “Treat your clients as your friends and as a part of your extended family and you’ll have a smoother ride with them!”
Heading towards the Future with Fascinating Ideas
Being a successful entrepreneur, Naveen thinks Fortune, Fortitude and Tenacity are the major factors to achieve success. He adds, “I’m a strong believer in the maxim that destiny only wants the best for us; we just need to follow the path with determination and persistence in the face of adverse challenges. Like most people, my journey too is scarred with failures and setbacks, but the strong support system in the form of my family and my friends has helped me immensely in weathering the difficult times and coming out stronger every single time. Of course I’m human and do make mistakes, but thankfully that has pushed me harder every time I was in a corner. Sometimes by myself, at other, by my better half!”
The future of outsourcing industry is going to be widened with vast opportunities. Profits are expected to head north if a company keeps pace with the rapidly accelerating transformation.
As an innovative organization,  Open Mind is eager to embrace every single advancement in technology and has already taken the first crucial steps towards automation of processes, and refining their talent pool simultaneously. They are decisively immersed on adapting people and processes to the evolving customer needs and keep themselves ahead in a tough market. Open Mind’s latest development “Facebook Messenger Based Auto Chat Bots” uses Artificial Intelligence to create Auto Chat Bots that are taking over Social Media Platforms like Facebook Messenger. This is a new beginning with endless opportunities, and displays how the future will pan out for Call Centres. Open Mind aspires to make Appointment Management and Complaint Management fully Automated using this technology. Thus,  reducing the costs for businesses by over 70%.

Source :- The 10 Most Valuable Outsourcing Companies