NR Management Consultants: The Prominent Consulting & Research Firm Providing Advisory for Social and Environmental Development Sector

To maximize the productivity and efficiency of any business, be it a startup or an established company, it is essential to have access to the right information, knowledge, and assistance. Consulting and research services can be used by both small and large operations to help prosper even during a weak economic climate. To remain competitive and profitable a lot more is required than just being able to organize a workforce. By employing an outside consultancy, an advice can be gained irrespective of the emotional associations. NR Management Consultants is India’s leading, award winning, Consultancy and Research firm working in the social and environmental development sector. Established in 2004, NRMC has a devoted team of experts led by Founder & Director, Jayesh Bhatia.

NRMC was established with a mission to generate impactful solutions that bring a positive change in the Society. The organization has extended their presence and experience across India. With a dedicated team of 50 experts, NRMC facilitates clients in addressing development challenges with evidencebased approaches. NRMC continues to engage with Government of India on its flagship programs like National Rural Livelihoods Mission, Swach Bharat Mission, and National Urban Livelihood Mission. Team NRMC has engaged with leading Fortune 500 Companies in designing, managing and evaluating their investment under CSR.

NRMC’s vision for developmental interventions is for the creation of sustainable, socially and environmentally responsible solutions. Team NRMC’s CSR strategy is driven by the aim to establish models that can create a shared value for both the corporate sector and the community. The approach entails identifying interventions that are beyond philanthropic, and adhering to national standards/regulations and contributing to reputation management. From the community perspective, the approach involves identifying avenues, where people can involve with the business and leverage their social capital.

NRMC is also a well-recognized agency for evaluation studies. Global empanelment with UN World Food Program (WFP), Government of Maharashtra’s Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES) as an evaluation agency is an indicator of the teams’ strong research credentials. NRMC’s evaluation report is globally ranked among the top 15-only one from Asia-of all evaluation studies undertaken by UNICEF. NRMC has also been empaneled for e-readiness evaluations and assessment of ICT projects under the Digital India Program. Their strong credentials in India have attracted clients from Laos PDR, South Asia, and Africa to engage with the Team.

As a prominent consulting firm, NRMC has an extensive working experience with the World Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency, International NGOs, Government of India, state governments and corporates.

Vigorous Leader of the Organization

Jayesh Bhatia, Founder of NR Management Consultants, is an alumnus of Indian Institute of Forest Management and has a passion for conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources. With a postgraduate specialization in forestry from the University of Oxford, his love for academic excellence and intuitive practicality finds expression in all of NRMC’s work. His approach to development blends latest academic and technological research with an evidence-based appreciation of livelihood realities of the rural and urban poor. A warm-hearted and lively personality, Jayesh insists that as an organization, NRMC should remain a comfortable place to work. He also maintains a strong belief that people must enjoy what they do and be passionate and driven to work better.

One of the most amazing achievements of Jayesh is facilitating the transformation of design for bilateral and multilateral investments to the tune of US$ 1 billion on NRM and poverty alleviation programs across 13 states in the country. This investment has helped in conserving 1 million hectares of forests and providing 3 million forest-dependent people’s livelihood and social security. Jayesh has also been engaged in design and implementation of support for watershed programs in rain-fed areas of the country.

Solutions and Services which Provide Benefits to the Clients

As a leading consulting firm, the organization is providing some groundbreaking solutions towards social and environmental development challenges in India, and internationally. NRMC, through its advisory and research-based approach, has demonstrated efficient use of investments, integrated implementable scalable solutions, and continually strengthened knowledge. They have frequently demonstrated results through robust evaluation methods, effective monitoring, participatory planning, quality impact studies, and partnership development.

Core Values of NRMC which to Help them Overcome the Challenges

A key challenge that the organization faced was identifying and recruiting committed and qualified individuals for the growth of the company. NRMC has enhanced and layered their screening process and increased their activity on digital professional platforms to attract, engage and drive team members from the focus industry areas.

Jayesh describes, “We consciously provide a very conducive and ethical work environment to retain talent. Core team’s passion influences the positive work environment. Mentorship processes makes sure that employee growth and motivation is a priority. The cultural and regional diversity of staff, along with a gender balance is NRMC’s strength. With more than 50 percent of women members, NRMC demonstrates and respects equal opportunities and rights in the workplace.”

An innovation in advisory and research management company, NRMC, is geared towards structuring its approaches for Results-Based Payments for its services by 2020. NRMC has experimented with innovative fee models and contract structuring with the clients and government agencies.

Out-of-the-box strategies

“Our focus on delivering tangible impact differentiates us from other organizations. Our ground level learning and experience from largescale assignments lends itself to strategic inputs and innovative solutions, thus enabling us to offer evidence-based strategies and solutions beyond just theoretical advice,” acclaims Jayesh.

Another salient feature of NRMC’s approach is the Value for Money (VfM). Moving beyond the seed capital invested by Corporates, they strive to ensure co-funding from communities and other sources. This could be in the form of user fees or crowd funding from other partners, including Government. Linking CSR interventions with flagship government programs and facilitating strategic partnerships is another differentiating feature of their approach.

Future Aspects of the Industry with Jayesh      

NRMC with its experience is well poised to facilitate opportunities for socially equitable and environmentally responsible economic growth. The policy and programmatic shift within the macro-space is very encouraging and motivating. The fact that this macro-space is no longer restricted to the government sector, but is increasingly being endorsed by the corporate sector is another major catalyst that will provide an impetus in bridging the rural-urban developmental divide and open up new and exciting technological and management options.

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