Mrunal Pandya: An Efficient Lawyer who is Serving his Clients with Utmost Dedication

Mrunal Bharat Pandya
Mrunal Bharat Pandya

Outstanding lawyers are driven by the passion to deliver justice to their clients. They uphold the law and treat all their clients with equal respect. These lawyers believe in completing every case as fast as possible, while reaping the best outcome for their clients.

One such dedicated lawyer in India is none other than Mr. Mrunal Pandya. Mr. Mrunal was born in a family of advocates and has been acquainted with this profession since childhood. Although initially he had very less interest of becoming an advocate, but gradually after completing his tenth grade, he started gaining interest in the said field of advocacy because of the sole reason that each case is different. He believes that this makes the profession different from others because he must face new challenges every day. Moreover, this profession also challenges him to use his wit and common sense. Mr. Mrunal also leverages his knowledge coupled up with skills that help his clients to conquer their legal challenges and complications.

Mr. Mrunal states that the legal paradigm or pattern of advocacy is just mastering the facts to a great extent; however, as a lawyer he has always intended to become master of facts. This is because although, there are many study materials available, but facts have to be thoroughly and carefully studied along with chronological happening of events.

Guided by Erudite Mentors

Mr. Mrunal was initially motivated by his father to study law and become a lawyer. Thereafter, he started practicing as a lawyer and initially worked with Adv Vaibhav N Jadhav and thereafter with Adv Ajay M Toshiniwal. Under their astute guidance, Mr. Mrunal embarked on the path of how to become a good lawyer. “Adv. Ajay M Toshiniwal is a senior lawyer from Nashik who also has a rich heritage of legal knowledge and is a second-generation lawyer like me. Under his guidance, I got to learn immense and received mastery over several types of cases”, states Mr. Mrunal. He was also guided immensely by Adv. Sandeep Shinde (Mumbai High Court), the founder of Ergo Juris.

A Masterful Specialist

Mr. Mrunal provides excellent services in all kinds of labour, industrial, civil, consumer, matrimonial, debts recovery tribunal as well as documentation services to his several clients. Furthermore, he specializes in criminal matters not concerned with bodily offences such as matters concerned with Negotiable Instruments Act, offences other than bodily offences under Indian Penal code 1860 such as cheating, Breach of Trust, etc. Mr. Mrunal is mostly associated with more than 50 corporate companies, where he looks after all the end-to-end legal services of the companies on all legal frontiers. He has gained tremendous experience by working for different types of companies ranging from manufacturing companies to hospitals to big hotels.

Views on the Pandemic Situation

Mr. Mrunal believes that Covid-19 has been a challenging time and one of its kind about which nobody had any sort of idea or preparation, and hence, it has been challenging. The main difficulty faced during this time is that due to the entire pandemic situation, the hearings of the cases have been slowed to a great extent, which is beyond anyone’s control. He further states that it is tough to make clients understand as to why the expected relief as sorted by them from court is tough to be delivered now due to improper functioning of the court.

Mr. Mrunal expresses that post the pandemic, many traditional legal practices and procedures will start changing and will be altered. Firstly, the e-hearings and e-filings will have lot of importance. The matters posted for final arguments will be heard by the judges online. He also opines that the court halls are very small in trial courts and social distancing is not possible. The same court file is being seen by several people and this increases the chances of possible coronavirus infection. To avoid this, the paradigm of the legal profession needs to be shifted wherein the filings of cases must be online and supporting documents have to be uploaded online and the hearing of the same have to be online. This will decrease the crowd in court hall, both of paper and public. It will also protect spreading of the coronavirus infection amongst judges, stenographers, and other court staff.

Words on Technological Advancement

Mr. Mrunal believes that technological advancement is the need to the hour. He is of the opinion that the legal field is the one which has seen the least of the same. However, slowly but gradually transition is happening. The e-courts program of the Hon’ble Apex Court has helped to bring a lot of transparency for the litigants. Further, artificial intelligence is one such area that still can introduce further developments in the legal field. Mr. Mrunal opines that technological advancement has been a game changer as a lawyer can now a days search for citations of Supreme Court and High Courts on the internet. They can get information regarding the date of any case, case status, daily roznama, judges of leave, and all such crucial data in just a click of the mouse.

Opinions about the Changing Paradigm

Speaking about the changing legal industry, Mr. Mrunal states that nothing remains the same forever and everything evolves in small bits every day. He states that the legal profession is no exception. The industry is slowly witnessing significant changes and is marching towards achieving further greatness. Mr. Mrunal adds, “For instance, few decades back, certain cases like cases of rent control were flooded in court halls which today have almost gone, similarly e-contract dispute cases, cyber complaints, etc., which were not seen at that time are growing today.”

Words of Encouragement

Addressing the up-and-coming lawyers, Mr. Mrunal states that the legal profession is very promising and has tremendous opportunities for the individuals interested in giving their best and bringing change. However, continuous, and repetitive study about the laws and awareness of latest judgments of the Hon’ble Higher Courts along with witty common sense is very important for lawyers to succeed in the profession. Further, patience is the key and till a certain age, one has to work hard with utmost dedication on whatever cases they get and deliver the results to their client. This will gradually help them to get crucial, important, and high-profile cases/matters.

Thoughts on the Legal Scenario

Mr. Mrunal opines that the current Indian legal scenario is changing. The Ministry of Law, Law Commission, and the Bar Council of India are taking effective steps in delivering speedy justice to litigants and the judges are also working hard for the same. He believes that criminal trials are now taking lesser duration to be concluded, and civil cases still take some time, however the number of adjournments at each stage have now been capped and that is helpful. Mr. Mrunal further expresses that the pandemic has made it clear that there is a huge requirement of online hearings in the legal system. Additionally, the Nashik Court had started its first pilot project for e-filing and the said project was inaugurated by Supreme Court Judge Hon’ble Justice Chandrachud.

Future Foresight

Speaking about the future, Mr. Mrunal believes that he is still learning and has a lot to learn about this noble profession. He is also of the opinion that if he keeps working with constant dedication and hard work, the future will be rewarding.

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