Acquiring a foreign education is an aspiration many students carry in their hearts. Not only the students, but also their parents too are equally enthusiastic about sending their children abroad to study, as this will get them a global exposure and they would become confident enough to handle their lives independently. Another major reason behind the recognition of overseas education is the high level of job competition in the market.
However, students are unaware of the complicated application procedures to get admission to a reputed foreign institute, how to build their profiles and what courses to pursue. Furthermore, a recent study warned of the perils of Indian students left in the lurch by foreign universities and hence the best solution is to seek advice from a trusted overseas education consultant.
Karan Gupta Consulting is one such education and career guidance organization, which has the expertise to guide you about the best colleges and universities, best majors, best countries, and so on, from where you can pursue a course of your choice. They also guide the students regarding the admission process of different universities and colleges, respective fees structure, estimated expenses, career prospects and so on.
Based in Mumbai, Karan Gupta Consulting has counseled over 48,400 students in achieving admission into prestigious overseas universities. In addition, 90% of those students gain some form of scholarship or funding thanks to Dr. Karan Gupta’s direct experience working for the Admissions and Aid Funding department of major US universities. 158,000 students, graduates, and professionals from over 60 countries have attended KGC’s seminars on overseas study, graduate career guidance and continuing education.
KGC’s track record is impressive. Every student they have counseled has been accepted to a reputed university or higher education setting. Moreover, KGC has formed the non-profit Karan Gupta Education Foundation (KGEF) with a specific mission to provide access to education for underprivileged children and women. The foundation runs skills development courses for the differently-abled as well as the underprivileged, the most recent one being a mobile repairing course for students at the Fellowship of the Physically Challenged.
KGC’s business philosophy is driven by their belief that education is the most powerful tool at our disposal, and that a lack of knowledge about how the educational system works should be no barrier to entry.
An Erudite Leader
Dr. Karan Gupta, a Harvard alumnus and Founder of Karan Gupta Consulting and the Karan Gupta Education Foundation, is an educationist, activist, speaker, and writer. He is also the current managing director of IE Business School – India & South Asia. Dr. Karan Gupta has received awards from the Wharton Business School, Times of India, as well as the Governments of India and Spain for his outstanding contribution to education.
Referred to as the ‘Harvard Prodigy of Mumbai’, Dr. Gupta is able to offer a broad range of educational consultancy for students, graduates and those looking to develop or even change their careers. Students are able to receive advice on higher education, test and exam preparation, career choice and aptitudes, overseas education including student visa application and scholarship advice, career development and career change coaching.
Dr. Karan Gupta feels that getting the right advice in this area is crucial for students. “I went to the US on a full scholarship to complete my undergraduate education. Pursuing an American education and working in the Office of Admissions, Financial Aid and International Student Office enriched my knowledge of international admissions. I learned how to effectively prepare an admissions application and how to maximize a student’s chance of admission and financial aid.” As well as an in-depth knowledge of the academic world Dr. Gupta has a passion for education and in particular for helping the most disadvantaged to access it.
Educated at the University of Texas Austin, Harvard Business School, University of California San Diego, University of Mumbai and IE Business School, Dr. Karan Gupta has the first-hand experience of studying, working and living overseas including working in Admissions and Funding departments. He has degrees in Psychology, Business, and Law and is a Certified Careers Advisor. He was awarded an honorary Ph.D. by Ecole Superieure for his two decades of work in the field of education.
Dr. Gupta has written and contributed to The Times of India, Education Times, Hindustan Times, The Free Press Journal and, providing career counseling and admission advice. He was awarded for his efforts by the Wharton Business School, the “National Education Awards for Outstanding Contribution in Education,” and the “Times Genius Award” by The Times of India.
Moreover as an Activist, Dr. Karan Gupta was a speaker at the Women Economic Forum and ALL Ladies League in New Delhi in May 2017 and spoke about Women in Media. Dr. Gupta created I Am Woman, an annual women empowerment event that celebrates and awards the inspiration of women.
Exceptional Services Changing the Education Scenario
KGC helps one to get to know oneself, career objectives, the goals and aspirations and what drives oneself. Then using a range of assessments such as MBTI, STRONG, and Pearson DAT they explore with ones’ true strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Together they can then map out a personalized Career Exploration Program for students.
Moreover, if one is looking to enhance the current prospects or even change careers KGC can help them with practical advice regarding job applications and interviews, resume writing guidance, developing career objectives and more. If a student is unsure of which career path to take they can examine the key skills and attributes and help to steer the student in the direction of a career that will fulfill the ambitions. With over 19 years of experience as an education consultant and careers counselor, KGC has helped more than 45,400 students to make the right choices for the future.
Very few counsellors have formal education qualifications in the field of career counselling and Dr. Karan Gupta has received a certificate in Career Advising from the University of California – San Diego.
Following are the services provided by KGC:
Career Counselling, psychometric and Aptitude Testing: Dr. Karan Gupta is a Certified Career Counsellor, and is also certified to conduct the MBTI, MBTI Type 2, Strong, MMTIC, and FIRO assessments and interest inventories.
Undergraduate Admissions Abroad: With over 19 years of experience in advising students, KGC offers guidance in not only how to secure a sought-after place at an overseas university, but also which countries, institutions, and individual courses will offer the best prospects for meeting their career and life goals.
Graduate Admissions Abroad: Dr. Karan Gupta has personally coached over 48,400 students on choosing the right graduate course for studying abroad. KGC has a 100% success rate in placing students overseas to study for degrees across the whole academic and business spectrum.
MBA Admissions Abroad: The benefit of a postgraduate qualification like an MBA from a world-class institution is enormous, but this means that competition for places is fierce. Dr. Karan Gupta is a Harvard Business School and IE Business School alum with extensive experience of postgraduate admissions. As a professional overseas education consultant, he can offer guidance designed to maximize your chances to study abroad, particularly if you are interested in a high profile MBA abroad.
Summer School Abroad: Many of the world’s best universities and further education institutions organize summer study programs over the academic break. Summer school courses are becoming a popular method to help add extra value to your resume or to boost your career profile. KGC helps you to be accepted into appropriate summer schools.
Visa Counselling: If you want to study abroad you will need to be successful in your application for a Student Visa. Navigating your way through the different visa processes is daunting. With clear and simple guidance, advice and coaching you can receive the coveted visa and remove the stress of worrying about this aspect of studying overseas. KGC has an excellent track record of success, particularly in applying for the USA F1, UK, Australian and the Canada student visa.
Profile Building: Resume writing is a skill that is vital in securing a place on the right university course or landing the perfect job. You will receive advice and support on all the technical aspects of how to write a resume or CV, the best resume format to use, and best practice on length, tone, and style.
High Schools Abroad: There is increasing interest in overseas high school education, and more people are looking for advice about the benefits of attending a premier boarding school in the United Kingdom, Europe or the United States of America. If you feel your son or daughter could benefit from an exclusive overseas education, then you need guidance on the best international schools and their potential impact on your child’s future success.
Consulting to Schools and Universities: KGC offers a range of services for schools, colleges and universities designed to enable them to help their students apply to higher education institutions at home and abroad. Services range from seminars and speeches, through to small-group guidance and one-to-one counseling.
Unique Approach
KGC gives their students access to a unique online platform where they can manage their entire counseling process. They are available to students after working hours via phones calls and WhatsApp messages. Students are able to stay in touch with them even after they go abroad to study – which is testament to the bond forged between KGC and the student.
KGC students have been placed in leading institutions across the world including Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, MIT, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth University, Yale University, London Business School, London School of Economics and so on. Some of these students have even obtained full scholarships to study abroad. Given that a large majority of Dr. Gupta’s students are placed in Ivy League schools in the US and top institutes across the world, it is understandable why students and parents chase this man.
KGC attributes its success to the fact that they work passionately towards helping students. Their main focus is the student and doing what’s best for them. “Careers begin here” is their motto. Dr. Karan Gupta strongly believes in the following quote by Mother Teresa –
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
Source :-The 10 Most Trusted Overseas Education Consultants
Karan Gupta Consulting: Revolutionizing the Way of Education