Joachim & Janson: Law Firm with a Global Perspective and Universal Reach

Joachim & Janson
Anup Joachim T. | Advocate | Founder and the Chief Legal Consultant_Joachim & Janson | Patent, Trademark and Copyright Attorneys

Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Law is concerned with one of the most significant intangible assets we humans possess: our intelligence. Human intelligence, with its virtually intangible operating system of mind, is the metaverse of our tangible brain. It is the strangest evolutionary phenomenon, which is the best gift as living organisms, we have received.

On the one hand, intelligence’s intangibility is its core strength, as it is through the sheer brilliance of our ever-advancing mental capabilities that we are riding on the waves of magnificent progress as a species we have achieved.

By using intelligence’s repertoire of art, craft, critical and logical thinking, deep-rooted beliefs, experience, ideas, imagination, knowledge, perception, positive outlook, reasoning, and aptitude, we have formed civilizations thriving through industrializations, globalization, digitalization, and scientific and technological advancements into a logically magical future of glorious hopes, wishful thinking, exciting optimism, constant anticipation, and surreal reality of fanciful fantasy.

We have reached the moon, even our robots have been exploring mars, and we have discovered unimaginable secrets of our universe and formed logical, provable and believable theories of its inception and expansion.

Coming back to the home, it is based on our intelligence’s accomplishment that we are living in a naturally wonderful and technologically interconnected world full of human-made wonders and comforts.

On the other hand, day by day, our greatest gift is turning out to be our biggest vulnerable asset, as our intellectual property is under constant threat of being stolen, hijacked, hacked, or plagiarised by mediocre opportunists. Thus, scientists, researchers, technocrats, innovators, discoverers, artists, creators, and creative professionals are constantly worried over protecting their IPR by using the legal framework established for its safeguard. However, as an individual or even professional entrepreneurs and business entities, people find it difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to understand the intricacies of this IPR Law.

Grasping the severity of the situation two decades ago, and protecting the IPR since then, today, Joachim & Janson, the Leading Law Firm with a global perspective and universal reach and reputation, is providing services as Patent Agents, Patent, Trademark and Copyright Attorneys.

Established in 2002 by Anup Joachim T., Advocate, Founder and the Chief Legal Consultant, ‘Joachim & Janson’ is the first and leading boutique law firm in Kochi, Kerala, dealing in Intellectual Property Laws. The firm specializes in both procurement and litigation of intellectual property rights, having proudly served thousands of individuals and businesses worldwide with reliable, expert quality services over the last 20 years.

Protectors of the Valuable Intangibles

Joachim & Janson’ is a client-centric firm tailored for those who seek to strategically build their business and fortune around the valuable intangibles. The expert team include Registered Patent Agents, Trademark, Design and Copyright Attorneys and Biz-legal consultants, who strive to bring value to the clients by providing complete, end-to-end Intellectual Property Services.

Leading ‘Joachim & Janson’ at the forefront is Mr Anup Joachim T., Advocate, Founder and the Chief Legal Consultant of the firm.

Talking about his experience, Anup says, “From a very young age, I have strongly believed in justice, and that everyone has a duty to give back to the society and only a life lived for others is a life lived worthwhile. Since I have always had this natural inclination to serve people and do them right, I became interested in practising law very early in my life.”

Anup’s legal career began with his law practice before the High Court of Kerala. There on, he specialized in the field of Intellectual property and became a Registered Patent Agent in the year 2002. Mr Anup has over 20 years of experience handling IP matters of over 5000 business entities. He personally oversees the registrations and litigates all kinds of IP matters. He is also the founder of ZwapAll, the world’s first Intellectual Property marketplace.

Anup conveys, “I have dedicated the past two decades of my life in the field of intellectual property, where I can support clients to scale their business entities higher and add value to their lives by giving them affordable, quality services.”

Anup’s firm ‘Joachim & Janson’ has been acknowledged by the following:-

  • “Asia Pacific Legal 500” – 2006.
  • “50 Indian law firms that International IP owners and their legal advisers should know about” – India Business Law Journal, April 2013.
  • “25 most promising IP, Copyright, Patent & Trademark Consultants in India” – 2016
  • “Best Full-Service IP Law Firms – India” by Acquisition International Magazine, UK – 2017
  • “India’s 10 best and most reliable law firms and recommended lawyers” – 2020

A philanthropist at heart, Mr Anup is involved with several welfare projects. He is the Co-founder of the Kerala Urban Development Society (KUDS), the Founder of the Association of Young & Progressive Indian Citizens (AYPIC) and the Co-Founder of the Centre for Advanced Research in Urbanism (CARUS).

Embracing the Change, Breaking the Challenges

Speaking about the challenges he faced while entering the legal space, Anup reveals, “When I entered into the legal space of Intellectual Property, we had no mentors as such. Intellectual Property Rights Law was fairly a novel concept, and there were no experts to take guidance from.”

There was a general lack of awareness and clarity among the public about Intellectual property rights. The main challenge was to make people understand the value of their intangible assets, how important it is to protect them and how they can monetize them. Moreover, the technology available back then was not as advanced as it is today.

“Everything had to be submitted by hand. There was an inherent need for perfection to provide the best possible service to the clients, and we have successfully achieved the same. It has been a journey of 20 years with constant hard work and the creation of awareness to amass the sizeable clientele my firm has today,” adds Anup.

Now that all the IP services can be dealt with online, the new challenges emerge from the rapid change in technology and adapting to the same to continue providing the best quality services.

About the various specialized legal offerings, solutions, or services his law firm provides to the clientele, Anup shares, “We provide around 40 plus trademark services, including registration, litigation, Sale or License. We also provide equivalent services in Patent, Design Patent, Copyright and Trade secrets, specialized Intellectual Property advisory services and legal drafting services.”

An Admired Law Firm

‘Joachim & Janson’ is strongly supported by an expert team of highly qualified attorneys with considerable hands-on experience handling different IP matters with an over 90% success rate. Anup conveys, “Our team is well-equipped to handle the IP Portfolios ranging from Startups to Fortune 500 Companies. Our client-centric ideology keeps us on our toes, ever-ready with prompt services of the highest standards, tailored to the client’s requirements.”

According to Anup, the impact of technological advancements in the Law Space is substantial. He says that, without a doubt that technological advancements have had a significant impact on the legal industry.

Technology is the biggest player in solving the real problems in the world right now; particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, online hearings and virtual courts have proven to be invaluable.

Artificial Intelligence is being used generously in due diligence, prediction of legal outcomes, legal analytics, auto-documentation and Intellectual Property. Its accuracy, simplicity, and value have swayed more of us legal experts in its favour, creating a general belief that combining technology and law would see great development in coming years.

Wisdom of Curiosity and Learning

Anup shares his decades-old wisdom with aspiring legal enthusiasts willing to step into the legal space today. He expresses, “The best advice I can give to the aspiring legal enthusiasts is never to stop being curious.”

Curiosity encourages learning, and the legal profession is one of a kind, where the learning never stops. Also, be compassionate and humble. Help as many people as possible, regardless of their stature. Success will definitely come to you.

Strategic Influx of the Dynamic Future

When asked how he envisions Joachim & Janson’s operation eventually concerning the current scenario of the Legal Space, Anup feels that ‘All is flux, nothing is stationary’ is the motto of the hour. Change is inevitable. Globalization, technological advances, demographic shifts, mergers, politics; even a tweet can impact the future. There is an innate need to explore the know-how of maintaining a productive and profitable enterprise. There is a need for strategy.

Anup details, “At ‘Joachim & Janson,’ our main vision is to provide value and quality services to as many individuals and businesses as possible. Over the years, we have successfully established a strong identity and presence in the legal industry. Still, we cannot expect old working methodologies to be fit for purpose in today’s environment.”

Finally concluding on a promising note, Anup says,Our firm is well-equipped with experienced personnel and advanced technology to quickly diversify and adapt to the ever-so dynamic world to stay ahead in the legal industry for the long run.”

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