class 6 social science exam

Class 6 Social Science is divided into three NCERT books with categories of geography, history, and political science. This subject seems very difficult for the students as it doesn’t have a practical part at all. Most of the students have a mindset that it is impossible to remember all the dates and events of history. There is a myth related to social science which says that the student who can cram all things tends to become a topper in this subject. This is absolutely wrong if you don’t have an effective way of learning. Here are some studying tips for class 6 social science subjects to help you in scoring good marks in your exam.

  • Know your syllabus

There are three books, and one of them is based on geography. In this section of social science, you have to study our planet Earth and its climatic conditions and diversity. This part of social science is quite easy for students to understand as they have seen nature themselves. You can imagine all the things written visually, which will help you to remember that for a longer time period.

In the second section of social science, which is history, there are historical movements and names along with dates to remember, which make students lazy by just seeing them. You can see historical movies very easily but can’t read your history book interestingly because there is nothing to visualize. This section requires an effective study plan as compared to the others.

In the last section, namely political science, students are explained about democracy and things related to that. This section is very important for the students who further want to become a lawyer or politician as it provides an excellent explanation about all the laws and political terms in a simple and easy way. This section of political science also gives a detailed explanation about the governing bodies in rural as well as urban areas.

  • Make notes with NCERT

Firstly, take your geography NCERT. You will observe that there are many interesting and informative images in order to help the students visualize the written information much better. This is the only section of your social science subject where you can guess and make your own answer. Your class 6 geography NCERT has explained every geographical process marvelously. In order to help yourself with understanding the given concepts and processes, you have to prepare notes while reading a chapter. Don’t make paragraph-type notes, instead make pointers to make learning easy for you. Make little diagrams whenever necessary for your convenience at the time of revision.

In your history NCERT, you will see some black and white pictures which make reading boring as you can’t understand the things of the medieval period. In order to make it work with History, you will have to do little tricks for remembering events and dates. Underline and highlight important words in order to help you in your revision time.

In your political science section, your NCERT will provide you with little and interesting facts along with making you learn about important political movements, and examiners choose those little facts in order to make tricky questions in your exam. So, you have to be extra careful while reading and understanding chapters from your political science NCERT.

  • Revise instead of mugging up

There are lots of theoretical portions in social science, which may be very hectic for students to keep in their minds. So, you must try to make little flashcards and stick them to the places in your home where you are most likely to go. Give yourself time as not everything will just go and settle into your brain. Social science subject is very easy but quite lengthy. For revising, you have to CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Social Science Mock Paper 1 in order to manage your time and increase your speed as you have to write a lot in your exam, and this practice will help you in doing so. Don’t try to swallow everything, and it’s okay to make mistakes. Try to visualize everything in order to engrave them in your mind. Use tables and little notes to help you in attempting one-mark questions of your exam.

  • Mapping and Presenting

The only practical, interesting, and scoring part of your social science exam will be mapping. You have to know all the states of India in order to attend the question consisting of a map. Sometimes, the students know in which state they have to mark, but due to less knowledge of Indian maps, they tend to make mistakes and lose their unnecessary marks. Always label neatly with the help of dots and arrows. Don’t use a pen in your map for labeling; instead, use a pencil. Avoid spelling mistakes at any cost, as it will prevent you from losing marks in your social science paper.

While you are labeling soils, draw different patterns and make identification of every pattern in the below right corner of your map. Be very careful while making a scale of these patterns to prevent confusion.

Presentation is the key aspect of attempting a social science paper of class 6. There are only theoretical parts and sometimes don’t leave lines or gaps between words and answers, which make the whole paper appear as a paragraph on its own. In order to make your answer sheet look presentable, you have to understand some presentation tips.

Always start a new section and a new question from a different page with a clear and bold heading so that your examiner can clearly see it. You have to prevent scribbling and spelling mistakes as much as you can. According to the weightage of your question, you have to write your answer in points. Draw a line with the help of a pencil and scale just below your every answer.

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