Google aims at digitizing a whole bunch of old photo prints into as easy as opening an app.
Google rolled out “Photo Scan” app for Android and iOS phones which would be capable of using the phone’s camera to capture an old photo into four sections and stitch them all together. Google says that the app has the ability to eliminate the glare that creeps in while attempting to digitize a print by simply photographing the whole photo.
The app will also be packed with features like- an option to make minor adjustments to restore the colour in faded photographs and to align the corners of the bent photographs.
The product manager for the new app said that, scanning photos with the traditional scanners take a lot of time, while third party digitizing services are costly and not convenient for many.
Reports from the sources revealed that the app will be versatile in nature, as it will be capable of capturing photos from a table top or a picture frame or an album. It will also digitize photo slides when projected on a wall without compromising the resolution, the digitized photos will be of comparable quality with the photos from a scanner.
Goggle also solved the problem of photo storage by adding a feature of storing the photos in the phone or over the online Google Photo service, which is capable of storing unlimited photos of resolution up to 16 megapixels.
Google also included some of the other features such as: -The app will have some additional auto editing controls with many filters, and will also have the option for manual editing. The service will also have the features to generate video highlights, with background music, from the collection of photos and videos, with location and date.
Photo Scan aims at creating memories for the coming Christmas and New Year.
Google Releases “Photo Scan” App for Android and iOS Users