Throughout history, technological innovations have often led to greater efficiency in our lives. Let those advances occurred during the industrial revolution or in this time period, the world is constantly changing as a result of these advances. Modern technology enables us to be connected to the world through social media and video technology. And today, we have Industries running on the premises of these interconnecting Technology.
There is one such company, who on the basis of these communication technologies, working all over the world as a part of IT industry. Based in Richmond, TX, ErgodE IT has an ocean of e-commerce services to offer. Here at ErgodE IT , you will get a complete set of skills from software development to marketing in house for efficient solutions.
Rupesh Sanghavi – Adept Personality behind ErgodE IT
Founder and CEO of ErgodE IT, Rupesh Sanghavi has Bachelors in Engineering from University of Mumbai, Masters in Chemical Engineering from A&M University-Kingsville, Texas. Started working as Application Engineer in Invensys, later founded the company in 2005 and did moonlighting for business for almost 4 years before leaving the job. It proved to be his biggest achievement, now that he expanded company, multi-fold since then and heads team of 250 people across 5 vertical lines of business.
Portfolio of Services Offered
Specialized in to eCommerce, ErgodE IT offers a variety of services, from IT, eCommerce to Outsourcing services. They have created 12 websites through which they sale. Additionally, ErgodE IT is a seller on Marketplaces across the world – serving customers in 174 countries, large parts of ErgodE IT’s business come from U.S.A.
ErgodE IT offers quality products at most competitive prices with the best possible service. Having 24 X 7 customer support center and lenient return policy and they do their best to be price competitive.
Key Values Of The Company
Firm believer of customer is a king, ErgodE IT follows this adage to the core and keep the customer at the center of every decision they make or offer they do. Considering the supplier as a partner ErgodE IT creates a win-win environment for them. They have focused on creating order through their website than through any marketplace. Many suppliers give ErgodE IT exclusive access to their inventory through drop-ship means because customers feel that they bring additional buyers to their products. ErgodE IT increase brand value of the product and show products to buyers who do not always follow conventional traffic patterns.
In today’s tough competitive world, ErgonE IT believes that vertical integration with category focus website would help their business.
Vision and Mission
ErgodE IT’s vision is to be trusted seller of items that consumer needs around the world. It follows the mission of making every item available around the world to every consumer around the world.
Future Aspect
ErgodE IT has grown multi-folded till this time. It’s team size is an indication of that where they have more than doubled to 250 in last one year alone and on to actively hiring the best talent. ErgodE IT gives those tools and platform to express their creativity. Most exciting part of their future is its eCommerce executed on a Global scale.
Valuable Guidelines for Startups by ErgodE IT
Be persistent. Be Willing to go the extra mile. Brainstorm solution and you will find one. Believe in Multiple Truth. Keep it simple. Take risk and you would be rewarded.
Source :
ErgodE IT : Nucleus of Distinct IT Services