Enerparc Energy: Solving Global Energy Crisis with Pure Solar-Powered Future 

Enerparc Energy Pvt. Ltd
Enerparc Energy Pvt. Ltd

Sun is the supreme deity, and in Indian mythology, we consider the sun as a God of divine power. Apart from its mythological importance, it has a powerful influence on the planets in our solar system, especially the Earth, where life cannot sustain itself without sunlight.

Moreover, tapping into the most important advantage of this star, with a tremendous amount of energy, the sun is the greatest renewable energy source. As the world faces an energy crisis and there has been a continuous threat of the extinction of nonrenewable energy sources, the solar power industry has been bringing change in power generation.

India also contributes its share to solve this energy crisis, and companies in the solar power industry offer various products and solutions to people in India. These companies are not only investing in the economy of the country but also playing a crucial role in spreading awareness of using solar power among people. A player known for its world-class quality, execution capabilities, technical expertise, and delivering the best solar power solutions is Enerparc Energy Pvt Ltd.

Led by an exemplary leaderSreenivasa Raju UVKVP  of Design and Engineering, Enerparc ensures the best for its customers and evolves with state-of-the-art technology to serve the purpose of providing clean and sustainable energy.

Sreenivasa Raju has been in the Solar Industry for 32+ years with an Electronics and communication engineering degree. Over his pure Solar career, Raju worked with Premier, SunEdison, SunTechnics, Photon, Schaltech, RES, and Suryavonics and accumulated in-depth Solar design knowledge.

The King of EPC Times

With the vision to be the foremost in delivering economically viable solar energy solutions by collaborating with partners and customers, Enerparc strives to achieve excellence and wishes to maintain its position as a global leader. It is a technical associate of Enerparc AG, Germany and specializes in developing, building, engineering, and operating photovoltaic systems. Being in the field of engineering, procurement, and construction, the company has connected more than 2000 megawatts of solar power plants to electrical grids.

It is a matter of concern as nonrenewable sources will not be replenished and run out in a few years. To address this concern, Enerparc takes steps towards a solar-powered future every day. Adhering to its mission, the company helps its clients achieve their sustainability goals with an agile and professional team.

Exclusive Solar Solutions 

Enerparc offers a variety of solar solutions, both on-site and off-site solutions. These solutions help businesses achieve their savings targets and be sustainable. Headquartered in Bengaluru, the company specializes in investing in EPC services for rooftop and ground-mounted solar PV systems. It works across India and focuses on industrial and commercial areas.

The company strives to provide clean and cost-effective solar energy with excellence and persistence. On-site solutions include carport solar, ground mount solar, and rooftop solar. Additionally, the systems have four models: CAPEX, OPEX or BOOT, Lease Rental, and energy storage systems.

Carport Solar: Enerparc offers sustainable and smart power source solutions through carport solar services. These solutions provide an excellent way to generate clean energy for businesses. In minimum space, maximum power can be produced. This solution can also be used to transform uni-functional commercial infrastructure into a multifunctional one. As per the clients’ needs, Enerparc offers commercial and industrial solar carports.

Ground Mount Solar: Ground Mount Solar may be the ideal choice for businesses looking to minimise operational expenditure (OPEX) while still being energy efficient. Companies may choose this option if there is no space issue. Additionally, the system can generate electricity during the day as it is exposed to sunlight which can readily provide power to the concerned property and reduce blackouts. Further, this may lead to lower electricity costs. Helical anchors, beams, ballasts, ground screws, and concrete piers are just a few of the five ground-mount solar options that Enerparc offers.

Rooftop Solar: Rooftop solar panels are installed on a building’s roof. These systems often generate power during the day and are connected to greed. They are quick and simple to install, and as they can power the entire building structure, they offer advantages, including lower carbon emissions and electricity costs. Rooftop solar systems also offer lower blackout risk and tax advantages. Moreover, as this is a growing sector, it can create work opportunities.

Additionally, Enerparc offers off-site solar solutions such as the captive open access model, group captive open access model, and third-party access model. The captive model requires total investment from the client, and the company helps find the land and make efforts to procure permissions, design and engineer the plant. In Group captive model, Enerparc and clients decide the percentage of investment wherein Enerparc has 74% of equity and clients have 26% of equity. Furthermore, in the third-party model, Enerparc has 100% investment. These solar farms are generally located in rural areas.

International Spread

Enerparc looks forward to setting new standards in the solar power industry, and the company thrives with speed, flexibility, and great quality. It is one of the biggest Independent Power Producers (IPP) in the solar energy sector, with a local presence in about 25+ solar markets. Additionally, the company has broadened its business to other countries, including Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Asia. It has completed more than 500 discrete solar projects, with an installed capacity of more than 2400 Megawatts and rising.

Digital Engagement 

According to Sreenivasa Raju, advanced technologies have captured every market, and companies dealing with solar power and its products have benefited because of their implementation. He explains how the company has incorporated AI and ML in its operations and explains its digitalisation process. The company is digitizing possible design blocks and standardization, optimizing the design and making the company ready for AI and ML impact.

AI will reduce the complexity of preparing the solar array layout on rooftops of the C&I Sector and ground mount projects by combining the efforts of

  • Drone survey for capturing the site conditions to provide an AutoCAD format drawing.
  • Software(s) providing optimized solar array layout, including safety and O&M requirements.
  • Suitable sizing of electrical components.
  • Preparing Bills of Quantities and providing construction drawings.

Moreover, ML keeps improving the layout and design with every layout being prepared, and design concluded. These will reduce the human errors of missing any design aspect. AI and ML combined effect will improve the repetitive system design and standardization. On the other front, it will reduce human interaction.

Embracing the Change 

Every business comes with stories of success and failures, happiness and challenges. The solar power industry already deals with many challenges, such as problems in research and development, capital arrangement, optimum use of space and solar energy, lack of awareness among people, etc. As a company that has captured the solar market in India, Enerparc also encounters difficulties and strives to resolve them consistently.

Change is the only constant. Solar modules and inverters are constantly getting optimized by bringing out new models. Binding them together within their range on complex multi-oriented roofs without compromising on energy generated by solar systems is an art in which Enerparc excelled.

Multiple interconnections of solar power systems in a single plant and synchronizing with different power sources like diesel and gas generators and the local grid without harming any generators is crucial. However, the company has been successful in carrying out multiple projects. In-depth evaluation of components for different environments gives Enerparc confidence in system performance. It has been repeatedly demonstrated in all the past decade executed projects.

Advice to Budding Solar Entrepreneurs

Solar power has tremendous potential to help humankind in various ways. From solar plants and lamps to solar chargers and photovoltaic systems, power generated from solar has a wide range of applications. Stepping into this sector is a great opportunity and a step that needs to be taken carefully, only after deep research, money management, and risk management. For those who wish to start a venture in this sector, Sreenivasa Raju’s following advice would be great.

Even though designing a solar power system is not rocket science, enough thought and care are to be taken when selecting components and system engineering for its consistent and optimum performance in coming years.

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