Dr Tarun Katiyar: Single Solution to Any Healthcare Business Ambition

Tarun Katiyar | Hospacccx Healthcare Business Consulting Pvt ltd
Tarun Katiyar | Hospacccx Healthcare Business Consulting Pvt ltd

What could be the determining factors for success in the healthcare industry?

Every business to run successfully needs a solid business model with sound planning, modern infrastructure supported by a skilled and dedicated team and a strong vision. Professional consultants from the same industry who provide complete solutions from the concept to commissioning can trigger any business to a flying start.

Similarly, there are professional medical experts such as Dr Tarun Katiyar, Partner, Hospaccx India Systems, who provide exclusive business consultancy services in the business entity’s complete set-up, installation, and functioning. Be it an essential consulting business for a Physician, a professional diagnostic centre, a pathological laboratory or even a big multi-speciality hospital, Dr Tarun provides complete solutions in enhancing the businesses in terms of infrastructure, set-up, staffing, business model, technological inputs, registrations and government procedures.

Inspired by the vision to deliver quality healthcare services at an affordable price and supporting the medical fraternity in professional business consultancy, Dr Tarun took a different perspective on doing the business of adding value to the healthcare industry.

Dr Tarun Katiyar nicely elaborated on his professional journey in starting Hospaccx India Systems, the challenges he faced and subsequently tackled and the dream he envisioned through the following interview with the Insights Success team.

Please tell us about the saga of Hospaccx since its inception.

The footprints of the business can be traced way back in the year 2006 when I, as a boy from a suburban middle-class family based out of Indore, grew up in pretty modest circumstances and paved my way to the city of dreams – Mumbai to turn my dreams into reality. With the right mix of Medicine and Management, I envisaged delivering quality healthcare services in the country at an affordable price.

Post achieving my credentials from one of the premier Institutes of Indore Institute of Management Studies, DAVV, in no time, I began my business partnership as Hospaccx India Systems. I envisioned developing a global healthcare ecosystem that delivers tailor-made healthcare solutions through the right processes and protocols and provides a dimension in the healthcare consulting arena.

By 2014 Hospaccx was deeply rooted in the Market as the Industry leader marking its presence in pan India, Africa, UAE and SAARC Countries. Building years of trust and gaining momentum, Hospaccx was commissioned as Hospaccx Healthcare Business Consulting Pvt Ltd in 2014, carving its own niche.

The Journey to date has been rewarding with the successful completion of 500+ National and International Healthcare Assignments. From a dot to date, Hospaccx has plodded along and has been acclaimed as one of the Best Healthcare Consultancy firms in India two times in a row in 2015 and 2016. We believe the sky is not the limit, and we are yet to cover miles and accomplish great deals ahead.

What was your inspiration behind venturing into the business arena?

My inspiration is immensely driven by the TATA group, one of the biggest renowned organizations well known for charitable purposes with Integrity and transparency as core values that stand the public scrutiny every time. TATA group has crafted an unmatched legacy throughout by donating even their endowments mainly for Healthcare and Education.

In line with the same vision, we envisaged to deliver budgeted Healthcare services in the Country. Adding more to it, my Inspiration was somewhere also driven by my emotions. As they say, Emotions drive your Actions and Behaviour. While it may not be true for some people, it did have an impact on me.

I belong to a close-knit job class family that has many virtues, but encouraging entrepreneurship is not one of them, owing to its vulnerabilities. While it was likely for me to walk down the same path until the worst nightmare hit me, and we faced the misfortune of losing my father due to cancer.

That was a decisive moment for me, and the crisis not only made me break the stereotype but become nothing less than an exemplary entrepreneur who was diligent and determined to give something back to society as a tribute to my father and entering the healthcare world was one way of doing it. I took the road less travelled by and while achieving requisite credentials.

I started the journey with my expertise in healthcare consulting and served as a consultant in reputed setups, and very soon laid the foundation of Hospaccx.

What were the initial challenges that you had to surmount to ensure your business’s success rate to reach greater heights?

Embarking on our journey, we had a pretty clear vision of delivering the best Healthcare solutions to our clients at an affordable price. You know, when you aim to reach greater heights, you have to get accustomed to facing challenges and becoming resilient.

When we stepped into the market, we entered as bears to become the bull in the segment, realizing the fact that there were existing big players in the healthcare consulting segment who had already captured the twenty per cent structured market.

Targeting corporate hospitals, we were eyeing unstructured markets like the Hospitals in tier-2 and tier-3 cities. So, the biggest challenge was gaining the client’s confidence to draw a premium for Healthcare Consulting services for which the Market was unwilling to pay. Even though we aimed to provide turnkey healthcare consultancy services at an affordable price, at the end of the day, we struggled to build a clientele for our business during the initial days.

What professional values and qualities do you think your clients value in you and Hospaccx the most?

I think our constant commitment to delivering the patient-centric healthcare solution at the right time, addressing the need of the hour, which is not readily available in the market, is what drives our client base.

One of our core values is creating a professional yet mutually transparent environment which is acceptable to its end users and provides a scope to accomplish the tasks together. Additionally, we also strive hard to identify the intricacies and streamline their businesses and help them achieve patient-centred results just when they need it. Indeed, quality and integrity are the pillars of our organization.

What USPs highlight Hospaccx’s uniqueness in the industry you are catering to?

We are pioneers in providing patient-centric, effective healthcare solutions to the businesses in the sector leveraging digital space and futuristic technology. We are one of the most renowned and acclaimed global healthcare consultancy firms that have successfully completed more than Five hundred national and international assignments. We keep quality as our foremost benchmark, and we have been awarded multiple ISO certifications assuring the quality of services that we render.

Our USP is that we have turnkey solutions for all the Healthcare facilities under one roof, which is delivered to you just when you need it. From architecture planning to commissioning assistance of the healthcare setups, from marketing to running the operations and management of the hospitals, we provide end to end consultancy services as required.

As an experienced professional, what would you like to advise the budding aspirants willing to enter the business world?

Through a diverse range of experience for more than a decade in the industry, I will only advise the budding aspirants that money is a by-product of success, so identify the niche first and focus on the Patient’s needs while aiming your vision.

In addition to that, always follow ethical practices to build your business and Clientele. As they say, you don’t require effort to start something; you need to put up all your energy to sustain it. Hence sound decision-making skills, ethical practices and being resilient are the only ways to keep growing.

How do you envision Hospaccx’s operations with the emerging technologies and automated tools revolutionizing the business world by enabling innovations?

Entering the world of Metaverse, technology is at the forefront of every offering. Leveraging technology is the key to survival in the digital age. We have been an industry leader in providing integrated IT solutions to healthcare institutions to automate and streamline their processes and outcomes. Since our inception, we have embraced technology as an essential aspect that has not only sustained our business, but it has shaped the way our business is perceived today. It has made a significant change in enhancing the quality and standard of workflows.

Also, it has improved the productivity and efficiency of the employees by creating an organized and effervescent workplace with increased collaboration. It has enabled remote working and teleconferencing that has facilitated the delivery of the projects in the shortest possible time.

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