Dr. Bhuvana Saravanan: Dedicatedly Transforming Children into the Leaders of Tomorrow

Dr. Bhuvana Saravanan | CEO | Ashiyana Public School
Dr. Bhuvana Saravanan | CEO | Ashiyana Public School

Inspiring CEOs of the education sector take every necessary step to uphold education and to nurture various skills of the children. They take up every challenge as an opportunity to train young children and to develop them into better human beings. These CEOs believe that motivating students can play an essential role in reaping excellent outcomes. They give their very best towards building a bright career path for the children.

One such prominent leader who is transforming the education sector through her committed endeavors is Dr. Bhuvana Saravanan, the CEO of Sri Ashiyana Public School (SAPS). Her journey began 20 years ago when she was working in different schools as coordinator and student psychologist. Each school gave her a unique experience. At one point of time, she realized that many schools portray something different outside and try to show that they are unique from other schools. However, the scenario inside those schools was completely different.

In order to succeed and to deliver exceptional educational experiences, one has to think out of the box

Dr. Bhuvana states, “In many schools, children with psychological problem & learning difficulties are not identified by both the teacher and the parents and a child is branded as dumb or slow learner or lazy”. After gathering rich experience in teaching-learning procedures, she started her playschool in the year 2015 on 5th September in a small house. Dr. Bhuvana’s objective was to build a unique and different school, which would fulfill all the educational requirements of specially gifted and mentally challenged children.

A Goal-Focused Leader

Dr. Bhuvana believes in the saying that if you want to achieve your dream, then don’t sleep and dream, get up and chase your dream. She feels that to make her dream come true, she must always be alert and should think of new strategies which the education industry is using. She believes in following the new protocol and the new way of teaching, and to lead institution effectively.

Dr. Bhuvana wants everything in her school to be unique: the teaching method and the way of handling students. This way, the parents will also be excited to make the children take part in all the activities and be a part of the program. Under her leadership, SAPS allows the parents to take part in all the activities which are related to the kids. This results in the parents’ involvement in the development of their children. This perspective makes Dr. Bhuvana passionate towards her dream and she dedicatedly works towards it.

Overcoming Odds with Elegance

Dr. Bhuvana believes that irrespective of gender, establishing a business is a stiff task for everyone. Being a woman in the field of education, she has experienced tremendous competition in every step of her career. She believes that in order to succeed and to deliver exceptional educational experiences, one has to think out of the box.

Dr. Bhuvana had to be defiant and had to push every limit to get even the smallest of approvals, even ordinary certificates. She says, “It has always been a challenge to persuade the parents that what we are doing is for the benefit of the children”. However, she feels that in a way, she has achieved a lot of success in educating and developing the students. Dr. Bhuvana perceives that the parents also understand that the school is leading the children towards the correct path and it always thinks about their benefit.

About Sri Ashiyana Public School      

Sri Ashiyana Public School focuses on the vision of creating an ideal learning environment. As the school caters to the special and mentally challenged children, it aims to make each and every individual self reliant so that they can survive and achieve success in the society. The school, run by Guru Raghavendra Trust, embodies the vision of creating an ideal learning environment, which it has honed over 15 years of collaboration.

SAPS focuses on empowering children with tools and strategies to excel in today’s world of escalating expectation. It believes that learning should be a joyful experience and children should always be inculcated with self-belief and pride in execution and quality of work.

Dr. Bhuvana believes that well-trained and experienced academicians are the strength of the school. Hence, as the CEO of the school, she aims to choose appropriate educators to cater the children and furthermore have balanced combination of integrated curriculum, specially designed from experienced academics as it becomes the strength of the school.

The school aims to create lovely memories for the children. The dedicated group of educators uses experimental educational techniques which allow the students to learn visually and kinesthetically.

Facing the Pandemic Efficiently

Dr. Bhuvana states that that the pandemic affected many businesses including the education sector, especially the specially gifted children. She states that it is difficult to take care of these children at home. Hence, the school has taken up this challenge. Under Dr. Bhuvana’s leadership, the school’s staff prepared with protective equipments visited the homes of each child on a weekly basis. They tried to ensure that the children are safe and are not abused at home by their relatives or anyone near to them.

Moreover, Dr. Bhuvana always feels that the children should be given constant and proper care whether it is a pandemic or not. The school authorities have always catered them by visiting their room and giving them food and supplies which they need for their daily uses. Dr. Bhuvana adds, “I feel this way we have challenged, and we have taken all the steps to provide them the good education and everything till now, as always in future also we will be supporting them”.

For Dr. Bhuvana, her team is her support; accordingly, during the pandemic, she provided each and every staff in her team with a COVID safety kits and also provided them with house groceries for one-month. Being the CEO of the school, she feels that it is very important to look after both the staff members and the children. Dr. Bhuvana considers her team as the backbone of the school.

Advice to the Young Entrepreneurs

Addressing the young entrepreneurs, Dr. Bhuvana says, “First of all, believe in yourself and your dreams. Learn about your strengths and weakness and analyze every threat and opportunity in business in order for taking any decision”. She believes that leadership is an art and encourages the young entrepreneurs to lead or talk in such a manner that their employees are ready to take suggestion from them and work as a team. Dr. Bhuvana encourages them not to be a boss, but to be leader. She advices them to create a team, in which everyone is comfortable. She further states that they can win only by teamwork. “It is very important to observe and learn about the role that you are going to take in the company”, adds Dr. Bhavana.

Future Plans

Under the judicious leadership Dr. Bhuvana, SAPS is taking little steps towards its motto of providing education to the underprivileged special kids in and around the villages of Madurai. The school is receiving positive response from the parents and Dr. Bhuvana plans to establish SAPS as a torchbearer of academic excellence in the times to come.

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