Dax Bamania: On a Mission of Creating Maximum Employment and Leaders in Society

Dax Bamania
Dax Bamania

Futuristic leaders are redefining leadership with their decency, dynamism, and dedication. Decency was the quality becoming rarer till the young business leaders rediscovered it during the periods of crisis; first, the global economic crisis, the latest healthcare crisis and subsequent recession looming large over the world.

While dynamism has been there all around the business world, many industries were still sticking to the traditional mindset before the pandemic happened. As far as dedication is concerned, all successful corporate leaders, job providers, staffing companies, and recruitment companies know precisely well that there is no substitute for it.

In the space of recruitment, staffing, and hiring talent, Dax Bamania–a Highly Successful Young Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author, Visionary Leader, and Growth Partner–imbibed all the traits of futuristic leadership very early on. That is how he, along with Kashyap Dave, founded TIGI HR in October 2016–which today has emerged as India’s most trusted recruitment, training, and consultancy brand.

TIGI HR is not just a traditional recruitment agency; it is a technological recruitment brand. With the guiding light of Dax, the team TIGI wants to serve the betterment of society, so the joy of giving for improvement is the highest priority of the company. TIGI works with the mission to create maximum employment and leaders in society. Its primary focus is on IT jobs, striving to be renowned as the best tech and IT recruitment agency globally.

Under the exemplary leadership of Dax, the Founder and CEO, TIGI HR has already been awarded by the top leaders of India and is recognized as the Most Trusted and Most Preferred Recruitment agency/brand in India by Business Connect, VyaparJagat and many others.

“Your career is your business, as a CEO of your own career company, it is important to manage your company in the right direction with proper planning and execution to achieve your goals.” ― Dax Bamania, Productivity Promoter.

Dax: A Dedicatedly Dynamic Leadership Charisma

“A young leader under 30 years of age, Dax has won several coveted accolades, including a Best Selling Author, featured as a Top Influential Business Leaders by CIO Look, Emerging Technological Revolutionary Leader by The Enterprise World, Excellence Award of Human Right and many more.”

Son of a fisherman and hailing from an average middle-class family, Dax deeply comprehends the enormous significance of maintaining consistency while innovating small things to make a big impact on personal, professional, and business development.

Due to his mountainous achievements at such a young age, Dax is an icon of inspiration globally. A bestselling author of the book PRODUCTIVITY PROMOTER, praised by Shri Vijay Rupani, Honorable Ex. Chief Minister of Gujarat, Dax is a dedicatedly dynamic leadership charisma for every Indian.

“Skills work for those who work for it,” ― Dax Bamania

TIGI’s Foundational Principles of 3Ds

TIGI HR is working with the foundation of 3Ds, the qualities of Decency, Dynamism and Dedication. Automation and Technology have been rapidly shifting the dynamics in every sector, and HR is no exception. TIGI HR always stays ahead in this game because they constantly watch the latest trends and what tools are available for HR professionals. As a disruptive start-up already becoming popular as the best recruitment agency, they work with highly futuristic technology and believe in change by a preliminary understanding of the demand.

There are lots of small-medium brands trying to copy TIGI HR, but the company is in excellent hands; leaders who deeply know the importance of the first mover advantage and innovation in small things along with the trend.

TIGI HR–the top-notch recruitment agency is actively providing quality services and talent hiring solutions in all the major cities of India. So far, the firm has helped more than 700+ clients and saved 80% of their clients’ time on hiring, with an excellent success rate. TIGI HR has entered an existing market and made a space in this cut-throat competition by becoming a recruitment agency to reckon with.

India: the Global Recruitment Hub

India is the 13th Largest Market for the Recruitment industry with a Six Billion Dollar Market size. India has the potential to become the Sixth Largest Recruitment Market by overtaking Netherland with a 20 Billion Dollar market size.

There are some factors that will help India to reach there. The growth of eCommerce, Fin-tech, Ed-tech, AI, Robotics and SaaS-based companies is sun-rising and significantly changing the world with IT and Engineering collaborative approaches. On the other hand, Pharma, Healthcare and Construction companies are creating a new edge well.

Dax informs, “At TIGI HR, we want to contribute toward overall industry growth and development. As of now, we are more dedicated to IT and related industries; yes, we do provide services in other industries too. But we want to keep our services limited to some specific industries only.”

The IT industry will account for 8% of India’s GDP in 2020. According to STPI (Software Technology Park of India), software exports by the IT companies connected to it stood at ₹ 1.20 lakh crore (US$ 16.29 billion) in the first quarter of FY22.

Currently, TIGI HR is dedicated to IT Recruitment. Dax states, “You can consider it one of the most trusted IT Recruitment Agency/Brand.” TIGI HR has provided potential IT jobs to thousands of IT and tech professionals, coders, and developers.

Challenges: Stepping Stones to Success

If you don’t challenge yourself, you will never realize the infinite potential of yourself.” ― Dax Bamania

Speaking about challenges, Dax says, “For us, challenges are the stepping stones to success. In our entire journey, we came across many hurdles and challenges.” Here, Dax would like to share a few of those challenges they have faced, which might be helpful for others. Most people have clients as their first challenge, but it was not there as TIGI HR’s team is good at sales and knows the actual demand for their services.

“You need to consciously direct yourself or your surroundings will take charge to drive yourself.” – Dax Bamania

Technology Adoption: Dax says they have always considered technology as a blessing to humanity, and it is undoubtedly. “But, honestly speaking, in our career, we have experienced the phase of adoption of technology that is easy for one person but aligning a group of people with new technology is a tough task. It will take time, and we must keep patience and persistence for the same,” mentions Dax.

Dax further thinks that, as we all know, your first product is not your final product. As time passes, you must identify the product’s demand and output. Then you must improve your product as per the desired output and demand.

So, when they created TMS–TIGI Management System–their team was not ready to work on it; in the initial days, people took it for granted and could not see the larger picture with the use of technology. The core management team worked closely with each of them, made hundreds of small changes, and made it very advanced, speedy, and easy to use.

Dax adds, “We feel good to say that now the better version of the same technology becomes the differentiating factor – USP (Unique Selling Point) for our company. It allows us to connect and attract talent in as many ways as possible within a few clicks. Also, we make it hassle-free for job seekers as well; they can also directly have a chat with our recruiters with one click.”

Shortage of Fund: Another vital challenge they faced was adequate funding. When you have a shortage of funding, there are a few things that you could do that you can take finance from the market, or you might invest your own money by collecting it from your friends, family, and relatives.

While investing your own money, you need to be more confident with whatever you are doing. Dax reveals, “We were not from that big of a family, so we started working hard for our clients to earn something out of it and use it for the reinvestment for future growth.” It might take a little more time, but when you start early with a strong growth mindset, you can take that risk too.

The team TIGI did the same; at the initial stage, they were not taking money from the company. They were managing their own expenses and have invested almost every penny of their business profit in re-investment only. “So till date, we are completely bootstrapped, and we want to reach from bootstrapped to BSE/NSE listed limited company,” expresses Dax.

It was tough to come out from month-to-month survival. Dax adds, “But if we keep our dedicated efforts in the right direction, we will get better results.”

Eternal Team Training: Dax says that they believe in the mindset where if things are better inside than them, it can be better outside. He feels, “We strongly believe in training and developing the internal team members.” As they are representing TIGI in the market, the core management team definitely need to ensure that they are well versed with the required things and abilities.

He shares, “So we created our mobile app and web dashboard as TLMS (TIGI Learning Management System).” The team has been provided with all the recorded sessions about internal team training and development and also takes live webinars for continuous training, development, and motivation.

Core Team Development: It was also one of the most challenging tasks. Dax elaborates, “As we know that alone we are smarter, but together we are brilliant, and if we want to grow exponentially, we need permanent team members as our core team.” About salaried employees: they are important for their company, but from a practical point of view, they all know that salaried people won’t stay with them permanently.

Creating the Best Recruitment Franchise Model

So now, after observing regular operations of market demand and supply, they give their first franchise. They observe that and set the complete SOPs for the same, and once they create a POC-based concept, they introduce their master stroke as their prominent recruitment franchise model as the high-growth franchise for current market trends.

“On the other hand, we are getting permanent team members and business partners. Also, we are creating win-win situations for both of us,” says Dax. Yes, TIGI HR’s recruitment agency franchise is one of the trusted and tested franchise opportunities for those who want to start their own business within the recruitment industry. “There is a scope in our recruitment franchise model not only for the best franchise but also for each of our franchises in the future,” reveals Dax adding, “That is how we will create tomorrow’s socio-entrepreneurial leaders.”

Ethically Classical Transparent Approach

Regarding team TIGI HR’s professional values and qualities admired by their clients, Dax says they are not working for all the prospects; they have narrowed their client list as Steve Jobs narrows down Apple’s product list. Similarly, they have created a particular niche for their clients.

Instead of mass, they believe in class. Class in client industry, employee strength, market positioning and salary range of the requirement so that they can also refer the trusted and filtered jobs to the job-seekers as well.

Dax shares, “Daily, we are saying no to the 10-20 prospects due to our criteria for client shortlisting. We don’t want to work for everyone. We are one to work with some of the selected clients only but with high efficiency and dedication.”

In the current trend, TIGI HR is getting most of the clients from the existing clients’ recommendations only. Many clients come from the organic social media campaigns run by TIGI HR. “Every now and then, we don’t need new clients because we want to provide the best to our current clients so that our quality services and success rate itself speak about us,” comments Dax.

Reinforcement of Your Talent

They showcase high-value ethics to their clients by keeping transparency as their first priority. Also, they are committed to the minimum TAT and relevance of resumes. They always keep their effort to provide the resources that can add value to their client’s team.

Dax reveals, “Here, we would like to clarify that yes, we are charging a little higher charges than the traditional recruitment market because we are doing more expenses to provide the highest quality services.”

At TIGI, they believe in long-term relationships with a feedback feed-forward process, and that’s the reasoning after every specific time they arrange live video calls and conference calls with their clients.

Their AI and automation-based technological approach also help their clients and internal team attract relevant talent and turn them to interview faster than any other traditional methods.

An Exceptional HR Brand of the Creators’ Era

Stating USPs that highlight brand TIGI’s uniqueness in the industry, Dax says,

  • Own job portal: Interactive and SEO-friendly job portal with good organic reach.
  • TMS: TIGI Management System as explained above, we are using our application tracking, data management and applicant interaction system
  • TLMS: TIGI Learning Management System helps our internal team stay updated on the recruitment process and market trends.
  • Extensive Network: TIGI HR has an extensive network of franchises and employees dedicated to consistent quality services.
  • Expert in Social Media Recruitment: We live in the creators’ era and social media is a significant part of the current era and we are utilizing it well to get the best out of the best.
  • Expert in Internet Recruiting: Internet recruitment is also a crucial part of modern recruitment strategy. We use it very well to meet our clients’ expectations of the best match.”

An Extensively Focused Wisdom

As an experienced young leader, Dax’s advice to budding aspirants willing to enter the business world is on the mark. He elaborates it extensively.

Go beyond your myths: Most entrepreneurs live with many myths and think they are right about them. It’s a bitter truth, but yes, entrepreneurs have their own limitations. It is not permanent, but after a certain duration, some entrepreneurs lose that go above and beyond spark.

Focus on your financial structure: It is necessary to focus on finance to maintain things in the right direction. It can help with cost-cutting and more practical decisions.

Become more data-driven: It will give you greater transparency and accountability. Also, it will showcase reality over illusion.

Do not take it for granted: After some time, people take things for granted, and similarly, entrepreneurs take business for granted. And once you start taking it for granted, slowly and gradually, it will take you for granted. It will keep you away from the market reality, demand, and innovation.

You are not always right: Through the process of entrepreneurship journey, when entrepreneurs make some money or success, many of them think that their way is a highway and stop listening to actual reality or start ignoring actual reality.

Work with ethics and values: I believe that if you really want to make it big, you must keep your ethics and values in the first place.

Choose people wisely: This is the crucial part of your business journey, you have the authority to choose people and choose them wisely, or instead of assets, it will just become a liability on the balance sheet.

Never stop networking: It will strengthen your business and personal connections, it might open many doors for future opportunities, and it will advance your career graph. You will get a better surrounding of potential people.

Do use social media properly: We live in the era of social media and content creators; nowadays, it is easy to reach people and showcase your services or products, so do utilize your social media in a way that will become a lead generation machine for your needs.

Action mindset: I have seen thousands of entrepreneurs who want to do many things but lose those incredible opportunities due to a lack of action. Without action, ideas are worthless.

Know your customers: It is necessary to know your customer well, to learn more about them, what they like, what is their spending power, and what age, behaviour and categories they are in. It will give you credibility to deliver better to them.

Focus on building SOPs: While building a business, it is necessary to focus on creating standard operating systems for each department. If you don’t set SOPC, you will not be able to make it salable.

Spend wisely: If you earn some money or you will get success, still please keep limitations to buying the luxurious purchase habits. Yes, for some level, that would be okay for a primary thing. But do not make it a habit because you have to invest money in business and personal learning. Also, you can become a smart investor too.

Feedback–Feed-forward: these are precious things to perform while looking for better business. If you are afraid to take the feedback, you won’t be able to grow. Take feedback from your employees, customers, seniors, juniors, other entrepreneurs, and yourself.

Understand the current and future market demand: Keep an eye on innovation so that you can be updated with the change in the market. Also, you can give the right direction to your business too. Becoming a business owner means becoming a superhero, and great power comes with great responsibility.

Tech Innovated Future Expansion Drive

Envisioning TIGI’s operations with the emerging technologies and automated tools that are revolutionizing the business world by enabling innovations, Dax says it is crucial to stay current with cutting-edge technologies in any field. Every industry has experienced a dramatic shift in dynamics due to automation and technology, and human resources is no different. More than $50 billion was invested in businesses connected to artificial intelligence between 2011 and 2018. Additionally, $62.4 billion had been invested in the technology transformation in 2020 alone.

Dax explains, “As I already stated, TIGI HR consistently wins this game. We will implement an automated calling system to speak with their prospects, ascertain their needs, and then deliver the information to the team for fulfilment. At TIGI HR, we are using AI and Psychology based innovative technology to make our operations smoother and to attract maximum candidates from the market.”

TMS (TIGI Management System): Complete internal ERP, ATS and Data Analytics system. “Which allows us to connect and deliver faster with a better conversation rate,” states Dax.

TLMS (TIGI Learning Management System): An application and web dashboard for internal learning and development. It helps them share knowledge and development tips with their team worldwide.

There are many recruitment companies in the market, most of which use technology from third-party vendors with white labelling or as it is. Which actually increases their fixed OPEX (operating expenditure). It resists them from purchasing useful databases from the market and ultimately results in less revenue.

Dax concludes, “Where at our place it gives us the freedom to explore more useful databases, job postings, SEO of our platform and digital marketing including social media marketing.”

Special Thanks to Kashyap Dave; An Epitome of Dedication and Hard Work

Dax gives special thanks to Kashyap DaveCo-founder of TIGI HR, who, as per Dax, is equally responsible for the success story of TIGI HR. Kashyap is also from a middle-class Brahmin family who struggle for the betterment of their life development. Kashyap is a truly dedicated smart and hard-working entrepreneur. “I would like to give equal credit for our TIGI HR’s success to Kashyap Dave. Thank you, Kashyap, for your kind cooperation and consistency,” commented Dax.

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