Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth’s Centre for Online Learning: Providing High-Quality Education in Diverse Disciplines

Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth
Dr. Smita Jadhav | Trustee and Executive Director | Dr. D. Y. Patil Centre

Many people are in the quest of knowledge to excel in their career, but juggle with their commitments of work, family, etc. Keeping in mind the needs of the modern learning community, a renowned institute Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth formed its Centre for Online Learning. The institute was incepted with a vision to help build an enlightened, culturally, and economically vibrant India developed through education in diverse disciplines.

Let us learn more about how it is mentoring people through industry veterans and experts in an interview with Dr. Smita Jadhav, the Trustee and Executive Director of the institute.

Below are the highlights of the interview:

Brief our audience about your journey into the educational services space and how you came about with the idea of the institute.

My grandfather Dr D Y Patil (the founder of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune) and my father, Dr. P D Patil are educationists who have left their footprints on the sands of time. Their vision and mission had always been to provide education. Education should be provided to all. They knew that for people to be self-reliant education is a must. Their efforts have borne fruit and today, their hard work has been chronicled in the annals of history.

From my childhood, I have been influenced by them. I knew that education is the most powerful weapon with which one can change the world. As Mahatma Gandhi once quoted, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” This portrays the importance of education and learning in one’s life.

While assisting my grandfather, and my father, at the Vidyapeeth, I learned that education needs to be innovative, engaging, exploring, and experiencing. Only then, one can attain success in life.

In today’s times, besides academics, the young generation should be equipped for a better tomorrow! To do that, education should be made a positive experience for students where along with academics, they can also develop holistically. For that, along with formal education, professional education is a must for students to become successful in every sphere. In the long run, it is seen that professional education not only has a direct impact on the academic performance of the students but also prepares him/her to face the challenges of the competitive world. As educationists, we should imbibe the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial, and moral leadership among students and become their role models. As our Prime Minister Modi said, “Education cannot come from books only. The motive of education is to provide a balanced development for the overall personality of the human being. Every human being is born with some motive in their lives. And education plays an important role in the fulfillment of this motive.”

Over the past decade, the winds of change have touched this particular sector as well. It is all about balancing your fast-paced life with your career. At the same time, working professionals are increasingly trying to find ways to skill themselves and earn a degree too. Keeping in mind, the need of these professionals, the Centre for Online and Distance Learning (DPU COL) was established.

This online education provider helps individuals to develop their professional potential in the most engaging learning environment. It ensures that the programs remain relevant to the Indian job market. To accomplish that, inputs from industry leaders and key influencers while planning the program are sought. The programs are designed as per the UGC 2018, regulation F. No. 1-19/2016 (CPP-II/DEB-I), for conventional learners, as well as working professionals and other individuals aspiring to acquire knowledge and academic credentials. The main focus of these programs is to increase the productivity of all employees by motivating and educating managers.

Please highlight a few of your distance learning services. Do you customize services as per the need and eligibility of your clients?

DPU COL is one of the leading distance learning education institutes in India. It has made rapid strides in providing quality education to thousands of students in India and abroad.

DPU COL is equipped with the best of academic resources for teaching, evaluation, e-learning, and self-learning material from its sister management institutes as well as from the industry.

The Institute has UGC approved programs, placement assistance, industry relevant courses, holistic training infrastructure, online assignments, employment driven education, employment enhancement programs.

Yes, we do customize services as per the need and the eligibility of our students.

Are there any popular courses that are high in demand? What makes them so popular?

At DPU COL, we have observed students mostly opt for courses that can boost their careers. The courses which are popular and are in high demand are Master of Business Administration (MBA), a Certificate Program in Digital Marketing (CPDM), and a Certificate Program in Hospital and Health Care Management (CPHAHM) These courses are popular as it has got high value and demand in the market. Moreover, students can pursue these courses at their own pace and time. In short, from any place, anywhere and anytime. We allow our students to –

  • Schedule their studies according to their convenience
  • We provide study materials
  • There are dedicated student success managers
  • Every student is guaranteed mentor support
  • Assessment is done regularly
  • Better career opportunities

For better facilitation, the learning process between a student and a teacher is open as well and interactive. Our aim is to take the full-stake approach of the content, technology marketing, and services to offer quality education in close partnership with corporate and academics to offer rigorous and industry-relevant programs. The best part about DPU COL is that it allows students as well as the teachers to get accustomed to new trends in the industry and focus on research.

How do you help in overall student learning like doubt clearance? Also, do you assist in placements? If yes, how?

We provide support to our students from the time they take admission in our institute till they complete their course. With this aim, we continually innovate and upgrade our offerings. We endeavour to eliminate gaps in their knowledge and enhance their learning through our Learning Management System. One of the best features on offer is the – learner support services. This service has evolved down the years and has been of great assistance to our students.

The learner support services include program orientation sessions, academic calendar with weekly planner, live interactive virtual classes, counseling sessions, announcements, last minute revision sessions, webinars with industry experts, live chat-mail. Yes, we do assist in campus placements. Campus placements are arranged for by our institute. We usually invite all the best possible companies to recruit our students. Number of companies visit our campus to conduct interviews and hire students to work in their organization.

Being an accomplished leader, what are your thoughts on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the distance learning services sector?

The COVID-19 pandemic has played havoc in the educational system. It created the largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 190 countries and all continents. Closures of schools and other learning spaces have impacted 94 percent of the world’s student population, up to 99 percent in low and lower-middle-income countries. The crisis is exacerbating pre-existing education disparities by reducing the opportunities for many of the most vulnerable children, youth, and adults – those living in poor or rural areas, girls, refugees, persons with disabilities, and forcibly displaced persons to continue their learning. On the other hand, this crisis has stimulated innovation within the education sector. Education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. We have seen innovative approaches in support of education and training continuity: from radio and television to take-home packages. Distance learning solutions have been developed, thanks to quick responses by governments and partners all over the world supporting education continuity, including the Global Education Coalition convened by UNESCO. In the fight against the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), countries have replaced traditional classroom education with distance education as a defensive tool. Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and takes less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay.

What is your opinion on the future of the distance learning market, in terms of technological improvements, increase in demand, or the sorts?

According to a survey, the online education market in India will be worth INR 360 billion by 2024. With the increasing adoption of the Internet and the rise in awareness about e-learning, the online education industry is expected to witness promising growth during the forecast period.

Accessibility, affordability, flexibility, learning pedagogy, life-long learning, and policy are some of the arguments related to online pedagogy. It is said that the online mode of learning is easily accessible and can even reach rural and remote areas. It is considered to be a relatively cheaper mode of education in terms of the lower cost of transportation, accommodation, and the overall cost of institution-based learning. Flexibility is another interesting aspect of online learning; a learner can schedule or plan their time for completion of courses available online.

Combining face-to-face lectures with technology will give rise to blended learning and flipped classrooms. This type of learning environment can increase the learning potential of the students. Students can learn anytime and anywhere, thereby developing new skills in the process leading to life-long learning. The government also recognizes the increasing importance of online learning in this dynamic world.

What would you advise the emerging entrepreneurs and professionals, who wish to enter the industry?

My advice to entrepreneurs and professionals will be to do what they love and have a fulfilling career. They need to find a job or career path within a field that they are passionate about. Doing work that has meaning to them will provide the motivation needed to get through the rough patches and tumultuous times that are an inevitable part of building any new venture. They also should keep in mind that they have to take time to thoroughly study all the elements that go into establishing their new business. They should immerse themselves in the minutiae of their chosen industry. Understand the operations and finance of the business.

Regardless of when they decide to start their business, there is always value in taking some time to learn from more seasoned professionals. Working for someone else for a short time can help them build an extensive list of contacts, pick up the best practices, and learn from leaders in the industry.

Find mentors who can offer guidance and support. This will help a new entrepreneur navigate the pitfalls of business development and ownership. They also need to build a network and make connections as often as possible and with as many people as you can. Use their tech know-how to harness technology’s power to establish, promote, and grow their businesses. Try to develop great communication skills, a sound understanding, and the ability to manage the financial aspects of the company.

Last but not least, developing an unflappable resilience and commitment to the business will be necessary to get through the toughest days.

What have you envisioned for the institute for the near future?

DPU COL will become a premier provider of online delivered courses and degree programs based on the University’s core values, its strategic imperatives, and the guiding principles of anytime, anywhere, student-focused, and learning-centered education.

The result of leveraging technology to its best capabilities will enhance the reputation of the institute, increase intellectually stimulating opportunities for students, and improve retention and graduation rates.

Online delivered courses and degree programs will be accessible by students through a personal learning environment with integrated and relevant support services. This environment will facilitate meaningful, consistent engagement with highly trained faculty and fellow students in activities leading to mastery of course and program learning outcomes while maintaining academic integrity.

DPU COL will provide access to electronic learning technologies and training on new pedagogies. Integration of these new instructional tools and techniques by faculty and staff will improve the overall quality of teaching and learning and enhance student engagement and success.

Dr. Smita Jadhav

Designation: Trustee and Executive Director Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth and Dr.D. Y. Patil Unitech Society, Pune Executive Director, Pudhari Publications Pvt Ltd and Tomato 94.3 FM

Dr. Smita Jadhav is an educationist par excellence and a dynamic leader. From a very young age, she was interested in making education engaging and interesting. She wanted learning to be fun! She believed that besides academics, students should be given an opportunity to develop and grow their talents and abilities latent in them. She wanted to bring to the students the best that education has to offer. Dr. Jadhav wanted to bring education to the masses. She knew that for people to be self-reliant they should have access to education, only then they will be enlightened and can work for the nation.

Dr. Safia Farooqui

Designation: Director Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Centre for Online Learning, Pune

Dr. Safia is presently working as a Director of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth’s Centre for Online Learning. She has vision, courage, integrity, humility and focus along with the ability to plan strategically and catalyse cooperation amongst the team members.

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