CP PLUS: Benchmarking Perpetual Innovations

cp plus
Aditya Infotech CP Plus

Introduced in the early 90s, the Closed-Circuit Televisions arrived to ease the work of keeping an eye on the happenings in a region or neighborhood. Nevertheless, the arrival of CCTV cameras was nothing less than a game changer in the market.

Though the initial idea was never to have commercial and widespread applications like there are today, the massive reach of CCTV technology is due to the real-world concern it solves. Whether your business consists of commercial properties such as office buildings or retail outlets, careful consideration of integrated and expansive security solutions is a must. Cameras equipped with CCTVs are not only easy to maintain and conspicuous in their absence from the public eye. Still, they are also much more cost effective than many other security solutions.

While there are many CCTV camera systems you can choose from, some of the main things to keep in mind include the resolution, sharpness, angle of coverage, and availability of Infrared (for nighttime), amongst others. It is also essential to understand that although CCTV cameras are primarily installed for video surveillance and to discourage thieves and other criminal activity, they can also help improve your employees’ efficiency and productivity.

Today, we can use advanced CCTV surveillance services due to the immense contribution of companies catering to this niche. However, CP PLUS (Aditya Group) has grown to become a pioneer Indian brand responsible for creating a CCTV market in India and leading the entire security and surveillance industry.

Under the coherent leadership of Mr Aditya Khemka, Managing Director of CP PLUS, the company is the pioneer in bringing forth the recorder concept in a surveillance system for India and is still the only Indian key player in the industry with local manufacturing. CP PLUS has also been a game-changer brand that forayed not just in the CCTV market but sought to improve security from every aspect.

A Name Synonymous to Excellence

 Since its inception 15 years ago and constantly organizing all-comprehensive 360° campaigns and technology shows along with training programs, CP PLUS has successfully generated awareness among the public about the intrinsic value of a reliable security system. So much so that now, the brand name itself has become a synonym for CCTV in the country.

 A Coherent Leader

Responsible for introducing color monitors, video editing and digital audio software, 3D animation and many more technologies to the Indian market, Mr Aditya Khemka, Managing Director of CP PLUS (Aditya Group), has been a visionary in the truest sense of the word. A far-sighted pioneer, Mr Khemka sensed the growing demand for electronic security equipment back in the early days when the core company Aditya Infotech was already in the IT business for over two decades.

Mr Khemka thus launched CP PLUS to bring to India the technology of the future with a competitive edge. After thoroughly studying the state of the surveillance industry in many different countries, Mr Khemka saw the huge potential and how it was bound to become the necessity of the masses in any country.

Mr Khemka envisions that as individuals move from their basic needs towards the refined luxuries of life, they also require a safe and secure environment that can enable them to prosper. And it was with this in mind that Mr Khemka launched CP PLUS in 2007—

 —With a Spark to Transmogrify

Noticing how—in the rapidly changing and digitally transforming world—safe surroundings were increasingly becoming a constant necessity for people everywhere, Mr Khemka realized that there was no Indian company in the surveillance industry, much less an original equipment manufacturer.

Recognizing the steps that need to be undertaken to enable the country with a safer and smarter future, Mr Khemka ventured out into the security and surveillance industry back in 2007. He brought to life CP PLUS, the only Indian brand that is still single-handedly leading the industry, not just in India but in 16 other countries.

 Enabling Novelties

 Over the past decade, CP PLUS has brought the surveillance industry in India up to the stage where the brand plays an instrumental role in essentially redefining the industry itself. By leaving no stone unturned when introducing newer and better technologies to the Indian market as soon as they are developed, the brand stands committed to taking India to a future of security.

The determination to take effective and dependable surveillance to every corner of the country is what differentiates CP PLUS from other brands. To reinforce this dedication, CP PLUS has set up its presence in every major town and city of every state across India, and the brand is now eager to help turn rural areas into intelligent, urban living spaces with the security you can depend on. The fame and acknowledgement that CP PLUS has gathered over the years have resulted from the repeated efforts made by CP PLUS to rapidly improve the state of the surveillance industry in India.

The whole software element, connecting your mobile to the device and access to remote viewing from anywhere has ameliorated the sense of dependability manifolds, multi-device integration, and full-colour night vision security solutions; CP PLUS has introduced all of these during the course of its journey.

CP PLUS aims to contribute not just by selling effective solutions and products for the growth of GDP but also by creating awareness about smart security while, at the same time, generating more employment opportunities at the backend. And then, further backward integration will create further job opportunities for which CP PLUS is already organizing training programs to educate the masses.

This will also help reduce India’s dependence on imports of parts and peripherals to indigenize the production process further and manufacture everything locally.

 Surmounting the Challenges

 Mr Khemka says, “If we talk about the beginning of the 21st century, people and companies in those days did not feel the need of having surveillance in offices, hotels, malls, or even warehouses.”

It was primarily because of the lack of awareness and secondly because the aspirational lifestyle had not yet picked up. Additionally, when CP PLUS launched, surveillance devices were still quite expensive and out of the average citizen’s reach. The brand had to work towards creating the most comprehensive range of reliable security solutions that are affordable in the Indian price-sensitive market.

The price-performance ratio in India plays a significant role in the choice of end-users. Brands with good technology that are not able to make it affordable get to cater to comparatively little market share. And in today’s time, the surveillance industry is divided into four segments – government, enterprise, SMV and consumer.

Now, it is the consumer segment alone which requires penetration. And seeing how every house in every state can now become a smart home, the surveillance industry will no doubt soon become a market of the masses.

 Words of the Wise

Sharing his opinions on how modern technologies are revolutionizing the dynamic world, Mr Khemka expresses, “Today, by all appearances, this industry is flourishing globally, many thanks to the technological advancements we have made recently. It is moving from mere security and protection towards encompassing a wider scope of things that will expand and enhance safety and bring new levels of intelligence and sustainability to commercial and personal spaces, societies, institutes, and overall infrastructure.”

Moreover, “In today’s day and age, security and surveillance are not just about installing a CCTV but have gone beyond the traditional “physical security” and have more frontiers like Artificial Intelligence, Smart Analytics, Cloud-Computing, and Internet-of-Things, among so many others. And with this new acceleration and a renewed passion, CP PLUS has forayed into many exciting ranges of products from in many segments,” adds Mr Khemka.

Indulging in the Pearls of Wisdom

Sharing a piece of advice for the budding aspirants who are willing to venture into the industry, Mr Khemka says, “There is still a huge potential that can be realized in the surveillance industry, and with completely indigenized production, India can take on the world market with better and smarter innovations. Through constantly ameliorating production capabilities while strengthening them with the latest technological advancements, young entrepreneurs of tomorrow can make a huge impact.”

Embracing the Future Roadmap

CP PLUS already has major expansion plans in place and will soon emerge as a global challenger in the security and surveillance industry worldwide. Today, the brand is investing with renewed vigor to discover the growing potential in the consumer space, among others.

With the inception of its new manufacturing facility in the Kadappa District of Andhra Pradesh, CP PLUS is set to increase its production capacity three times over to three million units of surveillance devices per month. There are plans in place to further increase this production capacity to six million units per month under the Make-in-India initiative to help make not just the brand but the entire country truly AtmaNirbhar.

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