Chandni Bhardwaj – Endorsing You to Your Dream Work Vistas

Chandani Bhardwaj | Founder & Managing Director | Visa minds
Chandani Bhardwaj | Founder & Managing Director | Visa minds

Millions of people wish to migrate overseas, mostly in search of better livelihood, job/career prospects, or to chase and fulfil their dreams. Currently, eighteen million people live outside India in various countries.

And if you are among one of the former, you surely need the best visa processing firm from India to go, settle, and live your dream life overseas. Championed by Chandni Bhardwaj, Founder & CEO, VISTA – VISADO MINDS, is one of the finest and fastest emerging visa processing firms in Pune, Maharashtra.

From the last four years, Chandni has helped thousands of aspirants to process their visas and land into their dream destination.

In an interview with Insights Success for its edition of ‘The Women Owning the Business Arena,’ Chandni is detailing her genuine and trustworthy process for those searching for real visa processors amidst the many fraudsters crowding this space.

Below are the highlights of that interview.

Please give us a brief overview of your professional journey. Vista – VISADO Minds.

The journey to Vista was not easy, as I belong to a political service family. My doing business was not supported at all. I was only allowed to join some services in which I was utterly uninterested.

After graduation, I moved to Punjab to travel in 2015, but life had different plans. I started doing the job as a Tele-caller in 2016 in a visa company, which steadily led me to be a manager of a visa company in Punjab. There I met every kind of person and just observed them.

Being in the visa field, I realised that people were being cheated. Many people used to take loans and apply for visas for their children, but companies had nothing to do with the visa or anything.

They just wanted to make money off the gullible. I am not saying that one should not make money but earn it in a manner that no one is at a loss. So, witnessing this for a year, I started to gain knowledge of this field, and then I was all set to begin my Vista VISADO Minds.

But things are never easy as they seem, as when I launched the firm in 2019, I first had to face my family, who were totally against my business. They never wanted me in the business field. The next hurdle was that the business market was tough for a newcomer like me.

Yet, I stood still for my firm, and as months passed, I was gifted with really hardworking and incredibly supportive employees.

They kept collaborating with me seamlessly to stand this firm on its own, and as it is said that challenging work always pays off, we managed to hold the market with the arduous work of my colleagues and the trust of our customers.

Tell us more about Vista VISADO Minds, its vision, and the critical aspects of its stronghold in the industry it is catering to.

Vista VISADO Minds is for everyone. It is a trusted firm for the customer who needs a work visa and growing part for the leadership buds who wants to start a business in the visa industry.

Vista VISADO Minds’ vision is evident – we do not work for money. We work to build a healthy and trustworthy visa environment.

From a business leadership perspective, what is your opinion on the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on your industry?

COVID-19 was not only damaging to our industry, but it smashed every industry to the core. Yes, our sector was affected seriously. Flights were cancelled. Visa processing was put on hold. Moreover, visas were rejected, due to which the immigration industry was highly impacted. Most of the firms were disbanded.

A leader is never down, no matter what. Whatever the circumstances, they always have a place to stand. So, whether the circumstances were good or bad, we would only think that everyone should try and stand again.

Things will take time. It is difficult but not impossible. Mentioning leadership, I would be glad to talk about my mentors, Mr Karan Bindra and Mr Amandeep Singh, who were with me and helped me stand firm in the pandemic situation.

They are the true leaders who made me believe that time changes. If it is worst today, it will be the best tomorrow. You do not have to leave your path. Believe in God, and everything will fall in its place.

What efforts did you take during the pandemic to sustain operations and ensure the safety of your team at the same time?

Due to the sudden announcement of lockdown, everyone was shocked. Because for some, they were the sole earning members of their family.

So, it was a huge loss for everyone. But our company was blessed with beautiful teammates who stood with us in that pandemic time and supported us well. We kept paying them. We also provided medical support to them during that time.

As an established industry leader, what would be your advice to the budding entrepreneurs and enthusiasts aspiring to venture into the industry you are catering to?

First of all, we would like to congratulate you and wish you luck to start. But since we are aware of the situations now, we would suggest that “be prepared for any scenario. Today, the market is more competitive as compared to earlier.”

So, they must be ready for everything and never lose hope in what they believe they are doing. Starting something is extremely easy but holding onto it and running it shows how greatly or poorly you can manage things and run the business.

How do you envision further strengthening Vista VISADO Minds’ stronghold in 2022 and beyond?

Vista VISADO Minds’ strength is their customer’s trust in them. We are coming up with new international projects and more opportunities to expand the business widely with youngsters.

In the coming time, it will be one of the most reliable firms for people who want to grow and a pillar for budding business opportunists.

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