At CA World, Bill McCracken, CEO, CA Technologies, couldn’t overstress the importance of the Cloud for his company and his vision of where it’s headed. “The Cloud is not a fad or a trend, it’s a reality,” he said stressing the fact that IT departments were standing on the edge of a perfect storm where the coalescence of 4G, apps, devices, GPS and social media had created an environment where the Cloud was the only way out. “The Cloud lets you do more with less and it suits the present economic conditions,” he added.
McCracken mentioned that often the reason why a business couldn’t change fast enough had been that IT had been unable to keep pace with it. He gave the example of Borders which went out of business on account of business disruption created by the emergence of e-books that transformed the industry. “If you don’t change, you are writing your own epitaph,” he stressed.
In his view, it wasn’t simply about change, rather it was all about the speed of change. Going forward, he envisioned a world where IT would deliver composite business services. “In today’s complex environment, there’s a new piece that needs to be added—it’s the model. Take a thousand servers and a hundred thousand users and an application that communicates with all of your users and when you test it—it will fail! You need to be able to model that network and test it. With modeling you can spot the flaws in the design before you invest millions into it,” he argued.
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