Animation is an art form described as– creating the illusion of motion with a rapid sequence of still images, that you can use to tell any story in any genre. How interesting animation could be when asked to a fandom, they can pinpoint the moment of magic that pulls them into the vortex of animation. Seeking similar thrill for animation, Ambar Nair, who is Founder and Owner of BFX CGI perceptively sketched and directed the powerful vision of the company, which enthralls with its epic scale of twists and turns.
BFX CGI is an internationally acclaimed CG animation studio founded in 2006 and based in Calcutta, India. The company is all about creating CG animation, covering all aspects of the 3D pipeline for CG animated movies, television series, video game cinematics and commercials.
Expertise that Helps you Realize your Vision and Memorable Creations
BFX CGI offers expertise in all aspects of the CG animation pipeline, starting from modeling to final compositing. Basically, their CG animation is used for film and video productions, as well as digital advertising platforms and other visual mediums. Whether it’s a high-profile advertising campaign or design and production of an award winning CG animated film, BFX is there to assist you to realize your unique visionary project.
At BFX CGI, they have a talented and an experienced team of modelers, animators and creative artists focusing on all major artistic and technical areas of the CG pipeline – production management, technology, animation and rendering. Their artists drive critical advances in the art of CG craziness. Continuous innovation of BFX CGI enabled them to create stunning and progressively richer visual imagery. It also allows their artists to craft characters, environments and worlds and to capture the beauty of the storyline in all its detail.
Builder of the most Formidable 3-D Animation Studios
Ambar Nair handles the day-to-day operations and business development at BFX CGI, his wife Thup Nair, Co-Owner and Producer contributes equally by handling the production aspect gracefully. Ambar has done his BA in Economics/ Finance from Macalester College. He has rich experience of 19 years where his roles varied from being President, CEO & CTO, to Director at different firms which ended with owning BFX CGI.
Ambar with his unique way of leading, managed to assemble the company with a combination of best animation artists and technical expertise from all over India under one shed. Under his guidance, the team has managed to create wonders; they have exceeded the level of creativity and have delivered some truly stunning projects.
Adapting and Shifting to Every Possible Solution
The list of successful projects by BFX is long, some of them are– Running Lights (Animated Short Film), Knight Rusty 2 – Full Metal Racket and Another Day of Life. But, the most challenging projects recently BFX CGI has worked on, are – “Bilal – A new breed of hero”, “Harvie and the Magic Museum” and “The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear”. Each had its own levels of difficulty and different pipelines, which required them to adapt to, including shifting to Linux for one of these projects, and it was itself a challenge.
Got Recognition in Film Festivals
BFX CGI has worked on 13 features so far in some capacity or the other, both major and minor, they have produced 85% of the feature “Space Dogs 2”, and around 47% of the animation of “Harvie and the Magic Museum”. This evinces that their greatest strength is to adapt to partner pipelines to ensure a smooth workflow. The company’s core team is their greatest strength, some of the employees have been with them since 2009. Their current focus is to work on animated features, and next year may bring good news of a 14th, 15th and 16th feature (in various departments). Recently, BFX CGI has also co-produced an animated short “Running Lights” with PetPunk Labs in Lithuania, which has won over 7 awards in various film festivals worldwide, which are as following:
- Winner at ANIMATION BLOCK for Best Original Design Animation Block Party 2017, Brooklyn NY
- Anima Mundi 2017
- International Cartoon & Animation Festival (Seoul), SICAF 2017
- International Film Festival For Children and Youth (Uruguay), DIVERCINE
- Winner for Best Animated Film, Best Original Music 2017 at National Film Awards Sidabrines gerves (Lithuania)
- Zlin Film Festival
- Audience Award for Best Short Film 2017 at Vilnius International Film Festival (Lithuania)
Implementing a Panoramic View
BFX CGI’s studio in Calcutta, India has been constantly progressing with the goal of being able to work on multiple large-scale projects simultaneously. For the next year, they’re planning to own their television properties and hope to come up with some successful proofs of their concepts. BFX CGI is looking forward to expand its partner base in Western Europe and the United States, given the increase in the numbers of independent features in production and then possibly open a similar setup in Bangalore for their animation department, given the widespread availability of talent there.