Amanchi Legal & Co: Helping Businesses Overcome the Legal Barriers

Arjun Amanchi,Founder,Amanchi Legal & Co | Insights Success | Business Magazine

The Legal Industry in India is warming up to global practices, faster decision making, and using technology for enforcing and upholding law. In the following interview with Insights Success, Arjun Amanchi, Founder of Amanchi Legal & Co and a practicing lawyer, talks about the company, the businesses it supports, the changing face of Indian Law and more.

  1. Brief us about you and your company.

Arjun Amanchi, an Indian Resident from Mumbai, is a Practicing Corporate Lawyer, Company Secretary & Business Counsel; By Qualification He is a Management Graduate from Indian School of Business, Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and Qualified Advocate of Bar Council of India, attached to Maharashtra & Goa Bar Council. Arjun has professional experience of more than 11 years in the field of Commercial Laws, Tax Laws, Inception & Insolvency Laws, and Currently, he is Managing Partner of Amanchi Legal & Co.
The seeds for Arjun Amanchi & Associates/ Now Amanchi Legal & Co were sown as far back as 2007. Over the years, the seeds have germinated into a full-fledged Business Law Firm that has assisted countless businesses get off the ground; make a name in the marketplace and overcome legalities and barriers with panache. With a complete bouquet of business legal services including consultancy, compliance, legalities, even research and statute analysis; we became the pillars that drove many businesses to the next level. All This has been achieved with the help of our experience & teammates, who share our vision to make your business outshine others in the marketplace. With a strong belief in only long term associations, we have scripted countless success stories with numerous clients. Amanchi Legal & Co / Formerly Arjun Amanchi & Associates is an enterprise Firm on a mission- To make Amanchi Legal & Co an acclaimed business law firm of India in our segment.

  1. Kindly brief us about the initial journey and your contribution towards the upliftment of the company.

My Practice started even before I qualified to become professional and use to render my services , It all started from my home, I used to travel out for my town for my studies, based on my sincerity, education and exposure, neighbours and the locality people used to come to me and seek information/knowledge about their particular issue or requirement, I started  providing them required information and assistance, eventually without even asking for fees,  I used to get fees for service, which motivated me to open my very one consultancy catering paralegal services and tax consulting services, and eventually got professional qualification on go which boosted my practice, further  Post which I never looked back  , I got early fame and success , and this success story made me take business risk and adventurism in entrepreneurs through which I got immense learning of business world outside of my industry, experienced failures at my entrepreneurship journey, which made me to work and look upon what makes business failures ! That’s how my journey for business research and consultation started and my clients benefited largely from this, this pro-business quality of my firm makes our client think of us as their Vazir for their legal & business challenges.

  1. What are the distinct areas of practice of the company?


  • Crafted Legal Solution addressing the Business Issue.
  • Designing & Implementing Legal Framework for Start-Up & MSME, which helps them to avoid 90% of Legal Problems and 50% of Business Challenges.
  • Our Advisory, Consultation & Arbitration Proceeding with respect to dispute management & resolutions for the businesses within their business or outside of their business.
  • In case of litigation practice, we work based on Pentagon Five Sided Approach.
  1. Share your views regarding the Legal / Law and Order condition in India?

Legal Ecosystem of our country for Businesses in India:- Too much of regulations, including no match of regulations with taxing nature of our legislation making businesses in this country a little tougher and complex, what we need is simplification and which will ultimately bring amplification.
For 85% of Unorganized Business, we don’t have matching regulation and taxing them as if they are Corporates, the employees working under this have no security,  since such business have no sustenance, This segment lacks financial support and legislative support including ecosystem to make them organized and get into the next stage of business life cycle.  We are applying all the laws which apply to all medium to large companies and forcing this 85% of businesses to fit into it, which will the economy if we don’t take time corrective measures.
As far as Law and Order Condition:- We as a country improving at it at a good speed,  Whereas the implementing Body like Police Department & Bureaucracy still far behind the people expectations, we need to bring new breed and reforms under  Police Department & Bureaucracy to match the changing times.

  1. Will e-court platforms and digitization of judicial process help the Law Firms and the citizens equally? Please share the company’s view.

Yes for the 15 To 25% of the Business Segment and Citizen’s and not for the remaining segment, Since the need his simplification of regulation as compared to the process at this juncture, Peoples expectation is for speedy and timely justice and the process which they can understand, but our legal system facilitators like Lawyers and Process takes away this expectation many times.
Benefits of Digitization are many but let’s understand who my large stakeholders are? Litigants, right? What they want timely justice and settlement, and this is possible when we increase our judge’s ratio per no of cases and multiple opportunities for outside court settlements.

  1. How does the firm intend to handle its Societal Responsibility? Please mention any special charity or educational program as such.

Our Intent is to educate, give awareness and spread wisdom through our work irrespective of pay in return, we do it every time through our work and otherwise at various forum, social organizations and  groups.

  1. What would be your advice for the budding start-ups and entrepreneurs in the industry?

Ample of opportunities, Just Stand Up , Go To The Place Where You Can Become Access Point For People, Don’t get diverted and dwell upon busy wall streets you may make money but not name.
Always remember Legal Practice is a Profession an Not Business  , There is a very thin line difference between both of it, be aware and conscious about it before it takes you on the ride, be patience, practice will grow for sure but what is the use of speed when you have same amount of time as others, so simply the journey of this noble profession where you will witness all season.

  1. Brief us about the company’s future perspectives.

As of now, we are busy in concreting our foundation, as we believe stronger the foundation, Higher the sustenance and longer the growth.
Our Aspiration is to have one office one nation at appropriate place in India and to have global centre’s to help foreign clients with businesses in India.
Part B: Rapid Fire Round– (The answer to each bullet point in this section should be in Max 1-5 words)

  • Company Expertise: Breakthrough Legal Solution
  • Work Split (Domestic / International): 90-10 Aim for 70-30
  • Offices in(mention cities): Mumbai (Thane)
  • Number of Lawyers:- 02+05= 07
  • Most Prominent Case : Not Yet


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