Abdul Rahman Mohammed: Quenching Future Generations Thirstiness with Clean Water

Abdul Rahman Mohammed
Abdul Rahman Mohammed

The vitality and significance of water in our lives is paramount. It had been water from which life on the Earth proliferated and has sustained itself for billions of years. Water is the foundational support for every healthy and prosperous life.

According to Abdul Rahman Mohammed, the CEO of Sahara Industry, clean, safe and easily available water is important for people, production and the planet. Apart from drinking and domestic activities, it is also used for cleaning, agriculture, food production, and all commercial purposes. The economic development of a nation largely depends on the adequate availability of safe water.

Appropriate water supply and sanitation and better management of water resources not only boost countries’ economic growth but also greatly contribute to poverty eradication and public health. However, groundwater and surface water sources in India are declining and polluting with unsustainable practices.

The Way of Water

On the other hand, water demand is increasing substantially due to the growing population, faster urbanization, rapid industrialization, and the need to raise agricultural production. The water supply is inadequate compared to the ever-increasing demand, while the per capita water availability continuously decreases.

India’s total water demand is expected to reach 843 BCM by 2025 and 1180 BCM by 2050, whereas the average annual water resource availability in the country is assessed at 1126 BCM currently. NITI Aayog has estimated that 40% of India’s total population will have no access to drinking water by 2030.

This is where Abdul Rahman Mohammed is bringing in the humongous transformation. He has been leading the mission of providing water-wastewater treatment and recycling solutions for the last 20 years, understanding the severity and urgency of the matter. Known as one of the world’s leading manufacturers and exporters of qualitative water treatment equipment, Sahara Industry is equipped with technologically advanced machines and a highly qualified workforce.

We have grown in leaps and bounds in the industry, specialized in manufacturing Water Management Systems, Sewage Treatment plants, Drinking Water softeners, and more,” says Abdul Rahman Mohammed, adding that their ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 certifications demonstrate the high quality of their water treatment equipment. Their client-centric strategy has helped them to amass a long list of reputable clientele worldwide. “With our high-performance water treatment equipment, we always strive to maintain a pure and healthy environment,” he says.

Aqua Support System  

He further leads Sahara Industry’s initiatives in water treatment equipment, chemicals, softeners, water vending machines, and other products in India and internationally. Abdul Rahman Mohammed is leading in business planning and development, financial planning and policies, product development and operational management, and establishing policies and procedures for efficiently using resources to drive growth and innovation. He is also credited with effectively establishing new business tools and digital technology to provide important information to sales and marketing teams, allowing them to make quick, real-time decisions. With 15 years of expertise and an MBA in marketing and finance, the young entrepreneur leads the firm with a strong people management and development strategy.

Sahara Industry was founded in 2003 to make water safe for drinking, industrial, and institutional use. Over two decades, it has significantly contributed to clean drinking water, ultrapure water for industrial production, and wastewater treatment for reuse in India and several other nations.

With unrivalled experience in completing over 1000 projects of varying sizes, Sahara has used technologically advanced machinery and manufacturing solutions with good engineers and well-qualified professional teams, achieving the rare feat of being an indigenous creator of advanced water-wastewater treatment solutions that meet world standards.

Sahara Industry has established a position as a domestic brand, becoming the most sought provider of water and wastewater treatment solutions and a manufacturer of high-quality equipment and filtration systems. It serves reputable clients worldwide with a market-oriented strategy and contemporary systems and processes. Technical experience, in-depth knowledge of the water sector, high-quality products, and exceptional service standards allowed it to provide the best integrated and strategic approach to industrial and municipal water and wastewater treatment systems.

Developing Indigenous Water Solutions 

Sahara Industry provides multi-disciplinary water and wastewater treatment and engineering services and delivers ideal solutions based on the experience of implementing several hundred plants with an integrated project approach.

Abdul Rahman Mohammed, who has received the Bharat ke Sitare Award 2022, informs that the inspiration behind setting up a water treatment solution provider was to promote and collectively achieve sustainable water treatment and management to empower people and industries to thrive on safe and clean water.

Our products and services are well supported by technological intervention at every level resulting in utmost customer satisfaction,” says the CEO –who, at a young age, learned the art of creatively developing unmatched indigenous water treatment equipment and solutions and delivering exemplary results at a very economical cost. The company’s innovative ideas and product lineup have always received market acceptance for quality and innovation. Sahara Industry has garnered noteworthy acclaim within the water treatment sector, earning accolades such as the Indian Achievers Award 2021-22 and the Global Choice Awards 2022. Furthermore, it has been distinguished as one of the Most Promising Water Treatment Companies in the year 2023.

Water scarcity was not severe when they began roughly two decades ago, and just a few companies provided water treatment options. Water treatment product market penetration was low, but the growth rate was rapid. The problem for enterprises to find the optimum solution for producing pure water existed before. However, it has multiplied to heavy water contamination due to our unsustainable wastewater discharge into freshwater resources.

Techno-Powered H2O Amplification

Abdul Rahman Mohammed, an experienced leader, believes that water-efficient solutions will continue to be created. He shares his thoughts on how technology is revolutionizing the water treatment business and what developments can be expected in the future. More importantly, a fresh understanding of water as a common commodity will aid in accepting these technologies by industry, farmers, and individuals. Automation, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, machine learning, acoustic sensors, and other smart technologies can assist in revamping water management more efficiently. Over the next few decades, new habits for effective water use will emerge, and technology intervention will become normal for large-scale use in India.

Various technologies and processes are utilized to purify and disinfect water for human and industrial usage. Water treatment technologies have improved dramatically in recent decades as researchers have increasingly concentrated on water and wastewater treatment that meets the needs of developing difficulties.

Aside from traditional treatment methods, new-age technologies such as Nanotechnology, Membrane Filtration Technology, Ultraviolet Irradiation Technology, Advance Oxidation Technology, Ion Exchange Technology, and Advanced Reverse Osmosis Technology, among others, have transformed the field.

The Future Water Wisdom

Abdul Rahman Mohammed advises aspirants interested in entering the water treatment niche that the global water and wastewater treatment market is growing at a healthy 5.4% CAGR and is expected to reach USD 956.48 billion during the forecast period of 2022-2032.

The opportunity in the sector is enormous, with plenty of room for new entrants who are enthusiastic about water and devoted to public service. Technology solution suppliers will be more welcome to assist the industry with robust explanations.

In terms of expanding the scope and offerings of the Sahara Industry in the future, he discloses that it is necessary to think differently and embrace and apply novel treatment technology with sustainable practices to solve the difficulties of increasing pollution while maintaining natural resources.

Sahara Industry has been producing by adopting new technologies and promoting sustainable water treatment solutions, assisting utilities and industries in producing clean water and handling the hard issue as water depletes and pollution rises. “We are constantly reinventing our products to meet the changing needs of our customers.” In the future, new technologies will change the landscape of our products and services, making them more relevant and reliable for our current and future clients,” concludes Abdul Rahman Mohammed.