Whacked Out Media: Distributing Eccentric and Funky Content


The emergence of digital media has paved the way for a major transformation in the media industry. The speed, at which Indian audience has adopted content consumption on Digital platforms, has left traditional media in a state of shock. One way or the other, digital is here to stay and if traditional media is going to survive extinction, then adapting and embracing the digital advancements is the only hope.
One such Media and Entertainment firm, which has adopted and embraced digitization, at its best is Whacked Out Media, a leader in the space of audience development. The ability to leverage their captive audience base across social platforms of over 223 million, including celebrities and influencers network, has helped Whacked Out to deliver the solutions beyond the expectations of the clients.
Content is the King
Whacked Out’s extensive MCN network has over 13+ million YouTube subscribers which they credit to their wide reach of subscriber-base. This network has been exclusively built by Whacked Out, which itself reflects on their ability to understand audience development. Whacked Out leverages content to reach out to the audience and continue to engage with them while deploying content.
The combinations of 600,000 hours of content and celebrity/influencer network to do audience development are the reasons behind the tremendous success of Whacked Out. They stand tall with an undisputed claim for delivering original and unique content, in the process creating their very own audience. Where many companies fight for getting their hands on the content through the creators, while paying large sums of money for them, Whacked Out is busy delivering their original content to the customers.
Many competing companies rely on even content which is discovered on Digital platforms. Such ways are contradictory to the ‘pull’ model on Digital platforms. Meanwhile, the uniqueness of their content enable them to easily reach out to the audience, with almost zero cost. Overall, that is what makes them a leader in the entire Asia-Pacific region, with almost one billion views per month. An achievement that none of their competitors can match up to.
Whacked Out has been able to formulate the success equation, and is not even afraid to share it. As it goes, extracting the perfect blend of owning, creating and distributing content, and ultimately stretching out huge content at very low costs.
The Rocking and ‘bleeding-edge’ Technology Driven Services
Whacked Out’s customer-base which varies from celebrities to the websites, mobile applications alongside large partner base, there is a constant need for delivering latest and technology driven services. Whacked Out has been at the forefront for fulfilling all those demands. Their long list of the unique services is as follows,
Distribution of content through all New Age Media Platforms
New Media are the ethnic subject that uses digitization for distribution and exposition with platforms which varies from Internet, Web sites and digital multimedia.
Digital Brand Management
This majorly involves integrating online marketing networks such as the web, email and social media sites in order to process online content deployment.
Content Creation
This service involves the impact of material to any media, such as digital media, for an audience in the precise framework.
In the same context, they have deeply mastered in delivering services like Digital Image Management which is similar to Asset Management, Social media services, Live Streaming of Events and Media Planning on Digital Platforms.
Roadblocks in the Path of Success
Whacked Out likes to face challenges head on and their success path would neither be successful nor interesting without them. Some significant mentions, which have left many of their competitors frozen in their path, are Cost of Content and Cost of audience development.
Even further challenges which are related to the technology such as automation of content production, post production and deployment, are difficult to come across.
The Star Face of Whacked Out
Ram Veerapaneni, Managing Director at Whacked Out Media Pvt. Ltd., is a veteran star of the south Indian movie industry for almost 20 years. Ram started with unbundling copyrights that can be derived out of a feature film. Ram makes continuous efforts that help producers understand the real value of unbundling their copyrights over the content they create through routes other than traditional theatrical, home video and audio.
Build up to this, his transformation from unbundling to publishing, led to the idea of acquiring Whacked Out. With immense hard work and passion, Ram brought 15,000 hours of content that he had acquired through his prior experience in the digital world. Since then the Company has amassed over 600,000 hours of content.
Ram was also able to establish proprietary relationships with production houses. This includes exclusive teaser, trailers, interviews etc. for movies and TV shows.
Further, Ram used his significant network (built over 20 years) to add super stars who partnered with the company, to manage their digital branding and image.
Journey of “Fledgling Past, Distinctive Present and Awaiting of Glamorous Future ahead”
Their constant aim is to become the biggest digital creation and publishing house, with the help of their creative and enthusiastic social media managers, designers, programmers, editors and developers. In further scenario, they are moving towards automation for both internal usage and content partners. In future, they are planning to expand their reach across wide spread brands, keeping in mind to increase the Return of Investment (ROI).