Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially declared on Saturday that India is set to bid for hosting the 2036 Olympics. The announcement was made during the inauguration of the 141st International Olympic Committee (IOC) session at the Jio World Centre in Mumbai. Prime Minister Modi expressed India’s enthusiasm for hosting the Olympics, stating, “India will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to organize the 2036 Olympics. It’s a dream of 140 crore Indians.” He emphasized that sports go beyond winning medals and are a powerful way to win hearts and promote peace.
PM Modi also extended India’s willingness to host the Youth Olympics in 2029, expressing confidence in receiving continuous support from the IOC. The IOC session in Mumbai marks the second time India is hosting the event after a gap of about 40 years, with the previous session held in New Delhi in 1983.
IOC president Thomas Bach, addressing the gathering earlier, welcomed the Indian PM and acknowledged India’s economic and sporting growth. He praised India’s performance at the Asian Games and highlighted the importance of including e-sports in the Olympics program.
Additionally, Bach’s comments on the potential inclusion of cricket in the 2028 Olympics garnered attention. He mentioned that cricket is gaining popularity worldwide, and with the ongoing successful Cricket World Cup in India, there is anticipation for cricket players to participate in the 2028 Olympics. PM Modi expressed gratitude for the IOC’s decision to include cricket and affirmed India’s capability to host major global events, citing the country’s capacity, logistics, and infrastructure.