Flipkart provides its staff with unlimited health cover


E-commerce forerunner Flipkart is offering unlimited medical insurance to its full-time employees. This is one of the most progressive medical insurance and family programmes in Indian industry. This policy will cover all medical-related and hospitalization expenses and the employees will not have to pay any premium for the same.

This policy is applicable on all the 15,000 full-time Flipkart employees all over India. This policy will also be carried forward in the post-pandemic world.

Bereaved employees can take advantage of the family support policy, which will be implemented with the effect from April last year, no matter what the reason of death is. Moreover, the family of any deceased employee will receive a life cover which will be equal to five times of the employee’s CTC in addition with a notice period settlement as per the contracts.

The health cover will also fulfill the education needs of up to two children of the deceased employees with a total amount of Rs 1.2 lakh per annum per child. Families will receive this support as long as the children do not turn 22. The current medical insurance cover for the family will be extended and sponsored by Flipkart for a period of 60 months.