Bhimart: RISE to the rescue of local sellers


The year 2020 began like any other in India. People celebrated the arrival of a New Year hoping that it would bring luck and prosperity. After a few weeks, the world plunged into darkness with the outbreak of virus so deadly that it spread like wildfire. Since March 21st India has been under lockdown, which ultimately led to flattening of the curve and countless lives being saved. However, this has led to a sharp decline in the economy and people losing their livelihood.

The worst affected were SMEs and daily wage workers. The local stores saw their day to day income being taken away in a matter of days leaving them helpless. Bigger e-commerce companies could handle the blow since their products were available online but, smaller Kirana stores faced a bleak future ahead of them with no online presence to save them.

The only ray of hope to revive our local stores is an online platform dedicated to local sellers. Catering to their every need and making sure that their voice is heard should be engraved in its core value. Gaining visibility among tech-savvy customers will make way for a rise in sales, therefore increasing the seller’s profits. A confident seller will invest his profits into his business, thereby gaining more visibility and thus the cycle continues. This ensures that balance is brought back to the economy.

Bhimart is an omnichannel, proximity based shopping platform that aims at achieving this by providing the right tools and support to our sellers, which will in turn help them to make smarter business decisions. Bhimart RISE, is Bhimart’s POS ( Point Of Sale) system designed for small and medium businesses including Apparel, Accessories, Automobile Accessories, E-Services, Grocery, Jewelry, Electronics, Furniture, Construction Material, and other such categories. Bhimart RISE offers a solution for managing every aspect of the retail business like billing, inventory management, customer engagement, purchase, sales management, and much more.

During this time of need when even big online giants could not deliver, it is worthwhile to mention that for necessities our local Kirana stores had sprung into action providing everything that one needs. Now that we realize the importance of our local stores is it not befitting to support them in turn? With Bhimart customers can benefit from buying products from local stores and contributing to their growth. They will be able to find nearby shops and check product availability and price comparison with ease. Bhimart gives the option of home delivery or pick up at the store so that the customer can pick an option that is convenient for them.

This app is made just for the Indian local seller which will allow them to carve a niche for themselves in society and also ride this wave of recession with dignity and pride.