For the first time in history, India’s three biggest IT companies—TCS, Infosys, and Wipro, with a combined market capital of Rs. 12 lakh crore—shared a public stage. It was an opportunity for the shutterbugs to capture this moment.
TCS CEO Rajesh Gopinathan, Infosys CEO Salil Parekh and Wipro Chairman Rishad Premji were seen together on Wednesday in Mumbai at the Nasscom Technology Leadership Forum (NTFL) 2020. They met there to brainstorm about how the next tech decade is going to be for the Indian IT industry.
Regarding the strategy, Premji said that the philosophy of Wipro is to deliver clients a combined package of products and services. “We will increasingly see the productisation of services (for the whole industry),” he said. As the IT business model is changing, the business is getting into platforms and products, which gets almost all of its $191-billion revenue from its services.
The TCS CEO said that the banking platforms used by banks globally are homegrown by Infosys’ Finance and TCS’ BaNCS. Parekh said that the growth of the products industry would turn out differently. He also said, “If you look at the cloud ecosystem, Indian IT firms are leading the race.”
The IT industry of India is increasing its share in the global market. The emergence of Cloud and Saas, had made people predict that the death of Indian IT. India proved this prediction wrong. Today we are even stronger partners to big global companies as we have reinvented ourselves.