Embracing Technology to Innovate Smart Cement for the Future

The world is changing faster than ever thanks to the cutting-edge technology solutions. The technological revolutions are transforming the way humans live. With the successful adaption of the modern innovative technologies; various sectors are improving their overall productivity, including the cement manufacturing, health science, and many other sectors. The construction industry is the only global consumer of the resources and raw materials. The buildings are huge contributors to the release of carbon dioxide. Thus the value remains in improving the quality of construction and the quality of materials used. This is to contribute to a healthier environment, to increase the sustainability and reduce its cost.

What can be done?
Well, it is suggested that little or no ‘Ordinary Portland Cement’ (OPC) should be used in the construction. But, today researchers are looking for radical alternatives to OPC, and as a result, all the companies are now focusing on ‘Eco-friendly Cement’. Cement and concrete have been used around since the times of the Roman Empire. That time, the lime-based cement was made from heating limestone gently, that are still available in the market. It has its own constraints. Today, we all are living in a world where one of the main concerns is the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Thus, the world needs a kind of cement that has the qualities like ability to harden quickly under water, strong, long-lasting, durable & without the carbon emissions.

Manufacturing of Newer and Sustainable Cements
Sustainability has now become a requirement, rather than just a desirable characteristic. The researchers are concentrating to produce more sustainable cement, in the recent past, and continue to do so. This can be achieved through the reduction of clinker factor in cement, as well as by enhancing the utilization of low grade and waste materials in cement manufacturing and developing the composite cement, Portland-limestone cement as well as non-Portland cement such as geo-polymeric cement. Construction is one of the sectors which produce a huge amount of waste. Thus the efficient use and the recycling of raw materials, or even a small improvement in the sector, offers a huge potential benefit. For the eco-friendly purpose, the industries are increasingly using off-grid or distributed power sources, such as wind power, geothermal energy and solar panels on roofs. Along with the quality, the construction industry is also focusing on energy efficiency and eco-balance.

Key Issues to be considered
Some of the key issues which are to be taken into considerations are: Raw material conservation: The limestone is used because it is a nonrenewable mineral resource. Environmental considerations: Global emphasis on reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, use of alternate raw materials in clinker production, and producing cement with lower clinker factor. Standard Specifications: Formulation of standard specifications for newer and more sustainable cement. Cement properties and concrete performance: Rate of strength gain of cement at lower clinker contents/ newer cement and Durability of concrete structures.

Benefits of Technological Change
Today, cement is recognized as being ecologically safe, due to its outstanding properties. The number of available types will only continue to grow and further highly-effective processes will established the companies. Thus to proceed, the cement industries would implement automation. This advanced process of automation ensures that cement plants perform in a better way, which will be resulting in increased stability and higher profitability.

However, the direct benefits of this technological change include increment in the production up to eight percent, decrement of fuel and energy consumption up to six percent. While, the indirect benefits are the low cost maintenance, long-term stability, the reduced equipment cost.
The industries in the construction sector are facing numerous emerging challenges; the industries have successfully harnessed technological advances to improve and reshape their products and services. Today, the technology is offering the chance to reshape the cement industries, and also helping it to step up and to address some of these challenges to turn them into the opportunities.